Image of Marjorie Taylor Greene on golden winged throne in new rap video

MTG on golden winged throne in her new probably-coke-fueled rap video

Image from Patriot Takes Twitter feed

MAGA's MVP Ain't Down With LBJ and FDR and WTF America

It Can Always Get Worse Dept: After Margarine Trailer Queen told a crowd of young Nazi wannabes that Biden wants to "complete socialism" by addressing education, poverty, health care etc just like FDR/LBJ/Lenin, and before she called Jack Smith "a weak little bitch" for trying to arrest "the People’s president," she unveiled a new "MAGA rap" video with one Forgiato Blow, as in coke, who took time off from bragging on "four bitches in my trailer" to laud her for "fighting for our freedom." Whew.

Georgia's screechy so-called Rep. Greene was last seen at the week-end's far-right Turning Point conference in Palm Beach, where the tawdry likes of Trump, Gaetz, Tucker et al valiantly worked at whipping up a new generation of fascists; at night, they were joined by Groyper and Nationalist Network white supremacist hooligans trying to entice often-under-age females to party with them - “Invite Only, No Libtards” - while proclaiming “Anne Frankly, Anne Frankly," "White Boy Summer!" and "Aryan Autumn!" Despite having just been booted from the Freedom Caucus, lipstick-on-a-pig Marge showed up at the confab anyway, fear-mongering by ominously warning that Joe Biden, just like the highly esteemed Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson, is plotting to do Bad Commie Things like "address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and welfare," and create jobs - all longtime Marxist priorities, if we're remembering our Das Kapital right. Are we?

Carefully reading from notes like a 5th-grader struggling with a confounding book report or Wikipedia entry - though "Wikipedia would come out looking like the Library of Alexandria" compared to her - Greene darkly summoned the specters of Johnson and Biden to ask, "How are they the same?" "They’re both Democrat socialists!” she shrieked, which isn't a thing, but okay! Inane History 101 lumbered on: She incisively noted LBJ was a Senate majority leader - "Does that sound familiar?" - and VP to JFK - Biden was a vice-president too! - whose "socialist programs were the Great Society" and Biden's is Build Back Better "the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs (which is) finishing what FDR started, that LBJ expanded on,” just like ole Vladimir (Lenin, not Putin, though close). You'd think owning the libs by flagging their stellar legislative achievements would be a staggeringly stupid political strategy, but to her thinking (sic) programs that help millions of people translate into, "We're losing our freedoms."

Thus did she offer a terrific lead-in for snarky Dark Brandon. "Caught us," the White House tweeted. "President Biden is working to make life easier for hardworking families." Then he promptly made an ad of her speech: "I approve this message." LOL. Meanwhile, despite periodic claims she's "evolved," the esteemed gentlelady from Georgia, as Jamie Raskin likes to call her, keeps tumbling into deeper, louder, white-trash-filled holes. Having screamed "liar!" at Biden during the State of the Union, ranted about Pelosi's "Gazpacho police, melted down at a security briefing, called Pride flags "Hate America flags," derided trans women as "men in a dress," charged Dems were "princess predators" for supporting Ketanji Jackson's SCOTUS appointment, and promoted her podcast with an image of her at the Capitol with an AR-15, she recently called for Biden, his 500-person staff and (duh) Hunter to be drug-tested after coke was found at the White House because, noted Sherlock Space Laser Lady, "It should not be a mystery who's (sic) cocaine was found."

Her timing was sublime: A few days later, she launched her "rap career" in a video by one Forgiato Blow, a chubby, racist white rapper known for “Pure Cocaine" about selling and snorting it, and for songs about trafficking women - an earlier one featured babysitter aficianado Matt Gaetz - with Dylan-esque lyrics like, “I just got your baby mama...Bad day I make 20 on her” and, “Got like two bitches fucking two bitches...They call me blow I made them snort it off they ass." Born Kurt Jantz, the Florida-based, face-tattooed - bitcoin, Richie Rich, RR for Rolls Royce - lout in an "American Gangster” cap was a white middle-class kid who failed to make it in the rap game until he changed his moniker to Blow, also Trump's Nephew and Mayor of Magaville. Once he started alternating his coke-fueled-orgies-with-yahoos-and-flags tracks with iconic anthems like "All Eyez on MAGA," "Fock Bud Light," and "Boycott Target," for its Pride Month merch, he sparked reviews like "What the fuck is this," "Conservative artist = shoutbox full of rage," and "pee yew."

His latest triumph, "MTG," raises the question, "What comes after cringe?" Hurl? A paean to "MAGA's MVP," it celebrates "a southern belle, a little hood" - "Watch her shake 'n bake/ Watch her drain the swamp" - who's "calling RINO’s out/No one does it better than you." It begins with Greene's screechy, nuanced oratory - "The Democrats are a party of pedophiles" - and goes down from there. "Everyone in Washington has known about the Biden crimes for a very long time yet nobody has said anything about it" while "regular Americans, they go to jail when they don't pay their taxes (or) if they walk in the Capitol escorted by Capitol police" yada yada. Then there she is, seated on a gold, winged throne - yes, there've been a lot of toilet jokes - awkwardly smirking as Blow serenades her: "Deep state and the left always hatin’/ When they gonna let Joe up out that basement?...She’s fighting for the Jan Six-ers/ She’s fighting good versus evil." More awkward smirking as she stands, folds her arms, perches on a flashy car, seemingly speechless like the rest of us.

"You Can’t Get More MAGA Then (sic) MTG & FORGIATO BLOW!! America 1st Patriots!!" exclaims Blow online, urging, "Let’s Get It (sic) The Top 10 on iTunes." Greene was also psyched about her new career move. "Most rap videos exploit women, glorify drugs and violence, but Forgiato Blow’s new video is about calling out the left’s grooming agenda and protecting our children from genital mutilation," she gushed, having clearly neglected yet again to do her homework. "I never thought I’d be featured in a rap video, but then again I never thought the left would be grooming our children!” Observers responded they'd likewise never thought they'd be subjected to this. "Hands down the most awkward disaster I’ve ever seen on the Internet - I need to scrub my eyeballs," said one, echoed by, "That's enough Internet for today. Many wondered if she was "on the clock" for her so-called constituents while churning out this effluvia; others tried to humor her. "Children love to pretend," one noted. "Some pretend to be adults. It's so precious. Yes, you are special indeed."

Yet she's still here. This week she called for investigating "COVID vaccine injuries and deaths," pushed four critical amendments" to a FAA bill to prohibit diversity and equity programs that "make our sky’s (sic) less safe," vowed to kill Green New Deal provisions "to fund Democrat (sic) pet projects" and praised 65 countries with border walls, including "Israel's Apartheid Wall" - "Walls are very important for most countries" - by quoting a 2015 Daily Mail story ("a study last month") but leaving out its conclusion that walls' "main function is theater...not real security.” Sigh. Dorothy Parker, asked to use the word horticulture in a sentence: "You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think." Finally, she freaked out over Trump's latest indictment: "It's absolute bullshit...The Communist Democrats are trying to win (the) election by arresting the People’s president (to) cover up Joe Biden’s REAL CRIMES." Also hoax, lies, little bitch Jack Smith, "proven innocent time and time again." (Wait, when?) "It's hard to recognize our country anymore," she squawked. "It's an embarrassment on the world stage." Yes. Yes, she is.

Update: OMFG. Now she's waving around posters of Hunter Biden dick pics in a House hearing. Can this grotesque movie end soon, please?

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