Federal police lead away a Chicago woman for our "national security"

Federal police lead away a Chicago woman for our "national security"

Screenshot from Bluesky

Sadistic Pigs 'R Us

With woefully little press, America's Dark Overlord and his racist thugs have launched "enhanced targeted operations" in Chicago and elsewhere, resolutely sweeping up terrified, mostly law-abiding brown people, some Native, in the dubious name of "public safety and national security." But because even vicious cartoon thug Tom Homan can't keep up, now they have arrest quotas and groupies to boost their barbarous image. Meanwhile, egg prices are at record highs. Produce soon will be.

Where to begin. Billy Roach: Facts owe. The fact is, the moral, legal, vengeful, scapegoating debacle of “Operation Safeguard” is based on the utter fiction of a "migrant crime wave," also maybe the hallucinatory fact it's been unleashed by a mad dumb king who doesn't know "political asylum" and "insane asylum" are different things. Really. The Orange Codger claims crime has "gone through the roof" and is "up like 40%,” reiterating a racist, years-long mantra that largely Hispanic countries are "not sending their best," hence our resulting hordes of rapists, murderers, drug-dealers, and gangs "bringing devastating crime to U.S. soil." Except NOT. Fact: Crime, including violent crime, is sharply down nationwide. Over 22 cities have seen record lows in homicide rates, with up to 40% declines including in New York, one of the safest big cities despite sensational claims otherwise, and DC, with the lowest rate in 30 years. The only crime that's up, slightly, is shoplifting.

Of those perps, research has repeatedly found that undocumented immigrants are arrested for violent crimes at less than half the rate - from 47% to 33% - of native-born lawbreakers; for property crimes, the rate is a quarter, including in so-called sanctuary cities. Crimes are likewise down at the southern border, which has seen record numbers of immigrants. Even when arrested, the (rare) conviction rate for immigrants is almost half as low - 0.782% if illegal, 0.535 if legal - as for native-born criminals. Grimly, the racist trope fueling the latest revenge fantasy is almost a century old. In a 1931 report, the National Commission of Law and Enforcement wrote, "The theory that immigration is responsible for crime, that the most recent ‘wave of immigration,’ whatever the nationality, is less desirable than the old ones, that newcomers should be regarded (with) suspicion, (is) almost as old as the colonies planted by Englishmen on the New England coast.”

And so to the mob boss' boast he'd promptly begin rounding up "criminal aliens, including murders (sic) and rapists" - on his first day; for good measure, he'll also hunt his prey in formerly "sensitive" areas like churches and schools. Sunday's launch of his "enhanced targeted operation" saw swarms of ICE agents, along with Homeland Security, FBI, DEA and other avengers, hit Chicago first; they also landed in LA, Phoenix, Denver, San Diego, Miami, Atlanta, Dallas and other Texas cities. At the border, 1,500 active-duty Marine and Army personnel, reportedly pulled from the California fires, were offloading concertina wire to "aid detection," part of the new regime's promise to utilize "the whole government," including the Justice Department, to make America white and fearful again by terrorizing over 11 million people, largely brown, most of whom do hard work we don't want to and never imagined the land of the free would terrorize them out of existence.

To celebrate the first righteous raid, deportation big wigs turned out in Chicago: Deputy A.G. Emil Bove and Trump's hand-picked Border Czar, chief goon and "racist piece of shit" Tom Homan, a former acting head of ICE who after being sued for earlier, memorable crying-children-in-cages policy deemed "torture" and "government-sanctioned child abuse," responded, "I don't give a shit." Sunday, Homan brought his thug mug to ABC’s This Week to brag and mumblecore to Martha Raddatz that his current abuse is "a force multiplier, and it's sending a strong signal to the world - our border’s closed." The whole thing was....something. A study in shameless sociopathy. A litany of self-serving lies. A portrait of hubris and racist megalomania at work on behalf of a ruling tenet that, "Cruelty is the point." A truly lunatic display of hypocrisy by those beholden to a 34-count felon who can repeatedly intone, straight-faced, "It's not OK to violate the laws of this country." Whew.

To Raddatz' appalled query, "Is this what we will see every single day, ending with millions and millions being deported?" he robotically, relentlessly, essentially said, "Yes." He promised the numbers will "steadily increase as we open up the aperture." Right now, he said, they're "concentrating on public safety and national security threats." Then again, "If you're in the country illegally, you're on the table...You've got a problem, and we're looking for you." Which he blithely admitted would sometimes mean "collateral arrests," especially in pesky sanctuary cities which "lock us out of the jails" so they have to arrest "the bad guy, the criminal alien" out in the community, when he's likely with others, who, too bad, so sad, are "coming too." Still, he insisted, they're "not just picking up anyone with a tan," except maybe the at least 15 traumatized Native Americans mistakenly detained, and maybe some kids in middle and elementary schools.

Because gangs. National security. Sex trafficking. MS-13. Fentanyl, almost all of comes in from American citizens. "What price do you put on national security?" he babbled. "What price do you put on all these young ladies raped and murdered and burned alive? When (you) don't secure that border, that's when national security threats enter the country. Including children in schools? "These are well-trained officers with a lot of discretion," he said, exactly the terrifying point though he likely meant something else. Also, they'll be "supervised," by other fascist monsters, and "taken on a case-by-case basis," so all good. As to stories of Colombian immigrants being herded onto U.S. military planes in chains, then denied food or water, and their own countries refusing to accept them under such inhumane conditions, he brayed, "Oh, they'll take them back. We got President Trump coming to power. President Trump puts America first."

Trump, meanwhile, is crowing, "We're getting them out!" as ICE boasts of their brave conquests: "956 Arrests. 554 Detainers Lodged." Still, it's not enough: Now he's reportedly set quotas to ramp up arrests to 1,500 a day. And ICE has groupies to burnish their image. Dr. Phil embedded with them for the gruesome entertainment of his audience, feeding a fearmongering frenzy that has Nancy Mace "joking," "Can they be live-streamed somewhere?" Chicago is trying to fight back: With protests - "We're Dreamers Not Criminals," signs in Hispanic neighborhoods - "No Abran A ICE!" - lawsuits by four rights groups, and the city standing firm on its sanctuary status. People are still terrified: Locals aren't going out - restaurant business is down 60%, farmworkers aren't showing up - and rumors are rife. School staff at Hamline Elementary banned entry to Secret Service guys (initials S.S., we gotta note) they thought were ICE hunting down an 11-year-old who posted an anti-Trump video. Really. Officials attributed it to "a misunderstanding." Sorrowfully, there's a lot of those going around.

Update: On Tuesday, puppy-killing, make-up-slathered ICE Barbie, aka Kristi Noem, joined the deportation groupies with a glammed-up photo-op alongside ICE as they made their first raid in New York City. In classy, empathetic photos and videos, she vowed to "get the dirtbags off the street." Actually, not quite yet.

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