Record Low Water Levels in Lake Huron, Lake Michigan

The water levels in Lake Michigan and Lake Huron have reached historic lows. (Photo:

Record Low Water Levels in Lake Huron, Lake Michigan

December's monthly average level smashes record low set in 1964

As the ongoing drought continues to push levels in the Mississippi River to historic lows, water levels in two of the Great Lakes are also succumbing to its effects.

Preliminary figures from the US Army Corps of Engineers show Lakes Michigan and Huron, considered a joint body of water, had record low water levels in December. The lakes' water ended the month at 576.15 feet above sea level, just under the record 576.2 feet set in 1964.

And data released Friday in the Great Lakes Water Level Update from the US Army Corps of Engineers show that the water level of Lakes Michigan-Huron is 17 inches lower than last year, and forecasts the level falling another inch over the next month.

Preliminary data from NOAA's Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory also show the trend continuing, with Lakes Michigan-Huron water levels starting 2013 at below normal levels.

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