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With Upcoming Midterms, It's Time to 'Rebuild,' Says Elizabeth Warren

With Upcoming Midterms, It's Time to 'Rebuild,' Says Elizabeth Warren

"The only chance we've got is if those families will turn back to their government and say, I demand that you work for me, not for the billionaires, not for the millionaires"

American families are suffering, and according to Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), it is the will of big business and the one-percent to keep it that way.

"The government runs for those who can make their voices heard," the former Harvard Law School professor said Friday in an interview with Bill Moyers. "And they mostly make their voices heard through their lobbyists, through their campaign contributions. And that means over and over and over the tilt is in favor of the rich and the powerful."

"Every rule that gets written just has, you know, just a little more, a little twist, a little opening, a little loophole for those who've already made it big," she continued. "And it's taken the legs out from underneath our middle class, our working families, it's taking hope away from our next generation. This is the problem we've got to solve and we've got to solve it now."

Appearing on the weekly program to stump for her new book, "A Fighting Chance," Warren took the opportunity to detail the ways that she sees that we can rebuild our country and calls on those Americans whose voices are not being heard to organize and vote in the upcoming midterm elections for representatives who will work in their interest.

She said: "The only chance we've got is if those families will turn back to their government and say, I demand that you work for me, not for the billionaires, not for the millionaires. That you work for me. That you put a set of rules in place that give me a chance, that give my children a chance, that give my grandchildren a chance. That's our only hope for this country."

The interview can be seen below with additional outtakes available to watch on

Elizabeth Warren on Fighting Back Against Wall St. Giants from on Vimeo.

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