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Claw Back GOP Tax Giveaway for Corporations If Dems Win Back Congress? Sanders Says: "Absolutely"

What the Democrats would do, explained Sanders, in order to undo the damage that would be caused by the GOP bill, a final version of which was released on Friday, is replace it with a tax plan "that works for the middle class and working families, not for top 1 percent and large multinational corporations." (Image: CBS/"Face The Nation")

Claw Back GOP Tax Giveaway for Corporations If Dems Win Back Congress? Sanders Says: "Absolutely"

While Independent senator from Vermont says opposition has done everything possible to stop Republicans from ramming through massive tax cuts, he says undoing damage will be crucial moving forward

If Republicans successfully ram through unnecssary and damaging tax cuts for multinational corporations this week, but Democrats wrest back control of Congress in next year's mid-term elections, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Sunday said he would certainly press to claw back those giveaways as a way to reverse the "massive attack on the middle class" by the GOP.

Sanders said that he and other opponents of the GOP tax plan did "everything that we could" to stop the passage of what he termed "a massive attack on the middle class."

"Absolutely, yes. In my view, absolutely," Sanders told host John Dickerson on CBS' "Face the Nation" when asked if corporate rates would have to go back up.

What the Democrats would do, explained Sanders, in order to undo the damage caused by the GOP bill--a final version of which was released on Friday--is replace it with a tax plan "that works for the middle class and working families, not for top 1 percent and large multinational corporations."


If Republicans wanted to actually help the middle class, asked Sanders, "Why weren't the tax breaks to the middle class made permanent? Because it has to do with the priorities of the folks who wrote that legislation."

Sanders said that he and other opponents of the GOP tax plan did "everything that we could" to stop the passage of what he termed "a massive attack on the middle class."


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