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For Denouncing Vast Israeli Abuses, Nikki Haley Says UN Human Rights Council 'Lacks Credibility'

Ambassador Haley delivers remarks at a UN Security Council Open Debate on the Middle East, July 25, 2017. (Photo: U.S. Mission to the U.N.)

For Denouncing Vast Israeli Abuses, Nikki Haley Says UN Human Rights Council 'Lacks Credibility'

Ambassador's comments once again suggest is U.S. threatening to leave body, and affirm that the U.S. does not want Palestinians to have self-determination or live free from occupation

After the United Nations Human Rights Council on Friday adopted a number of resolutions aimed at Israel, Ambassador Nikki Haley once again criticized the body and suggested the U.S. may cut its ties with it.

In a statement, Haley contrasted the single resolutions that targeted three non-allies with the five focused on Israel.

"When the Human Rights Council treats Israel worse than North Korea, Iran, and Syria, it is the Council itself that is foolish and unworthy of its name. It is time for the countries who know better to demand changes," she said.

"The United States continues to evaluate our membership in the Human Rights Council. Our patience is not unlimited. Today's actions make clear that the organization lacks the credibility needed to be a true advocate for human rights," she added.

The resolutions:

  • denounced Israel's human rights abuses in its occupation of the Golan Heights;
  • called on "Israel, the occupying Power, to withdraw from the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem";
  • urged member states "to adopt measures as required to promote the realization of the right to self-determination of the Palestinian people";
  • called for "ensuring accountability and justice for all violations of international law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem;"
  • demanded Israel stop constructing its wall;
  • called for "full accountability for, and preventing,all acts of violence by Israeli settlers"; and
  • called on states to ensure "that their public authorities and private entities do not become involved in internationally unlawful conduct [in occupied Palestine], inter alia the provision of arms to end users known or likely to use the arms in the commission of serious violations of international humanitarian and/or human rights law."

The resolutions were adopted on the council's final day of its first session of 2018.

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