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As Advertisers Flee, Critics Not Buying Laura Ingraham's Apology to Parkland Shooting Survivor

"Money is all these people understand."

"Advertisers start jumping ship and suddenly Ingraham realizes that mocking the misfortunes of a teen gun violence victim might be over the line."

"Laura Ingraham doesn't have any shame. She just understands that she finally crossed a line that would cost her advertisers."
--Brian Klaas

That was what Vox's David Roberts had to say about Fox News host Laura Ingraham's apology to Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg on Thursday, which came around 24 hours after Ingraham mocked the 17-year-old student on Twitter for being rejected by several colleges.

In response to Ingraham's tweet, Hogg put together a list of Ingraham's top corporate advertisers and called on his more than 600,000 Twitter followers to pressure them to boycott Ingraham's show.

Hogg's campaign is already having an impact: As of this writing, at least three advertisers--TripAdvisor, Nutrish, and Wayfair--have announced that they are in the process of pulling advertisements from Ingraham's show.

Apparently feeling the heat, Ingraham took to Twitter on Thursday and--citing "the spirit of Holy Week"--wrote: "I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused."

Critics were quick to let Ingraham know they're not buying the remorse.

"Laura Ingraham doesn't have any shame. She just understands that she finally crossed a line that would cost her advertisers," Brian Klass, a fellow at the London School of Economics, wrote on Twitter Thursday. "She could have apologized for ages after that horrible tweet. She only did after an advertiser bailed."

Many others piled on, denouncing her invocation of "Holy Week" as an effort to obscure her attempts to assauge jumpy corporate sponsors:

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