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'Time Is of the Essence': With Deadline 48 Hours Away, Californians Demand Jerry Brown Sign Net Neutrality Bill Immediately

"When Trump's FCC gave up its role in defending internet users in favor of enriching Big Telecom, Californians stepped up to protect the future of the internet," Brandy Doyle, campaign manager of CREDO Action, said in a statement on Thursday. (Photo: Rich Pedroncelli/AP)

'Time Is of the Essence': With Deadline 48 Hours Away, Californians Demand Jerry Brown Sign Net Neutrality Bill Immediately

"Net neutrality is a priority for Californians. It's time for Gov. Brown to stand with us in fighting back against the Trump FCC's attack on the open internet and sign SB 822 into law."

With just over 48 hours left before the deadline for California Gov. Jerry Brown to sign the nation's gold standard net neutrality bill into law and restore the protections repealed by the Republican-controlled FCC last year, a coalition of open internet advocacy groups delivered 90,000 signatures to Brown's office on Thursday demanding that he reject the aggressive lobbying efforts of telecom giants and sign SB 822 without further delay.

"We urge Governor Brown to swiftly sign SB822 into law and send a powerful message that net neutrality is here to stay."
--Jonathan Schwantes, Consumers Union

"When Trump's FCC gave up its role in defending internet users in favor of enriching Big Telecom, Californians stepped up to protect the future of the internet," Brandy Doyle, campaign manager of CREDO Action, said in a statement. "Net neutrality is a priority for Californians. It's time for Gov. Brown to stand with us in fighting back against the Trump FCC's attack on the open internet and sign SB 822 into law."

"With the repeal of federal net neutrality rules in full effect, time is of the essence," added Jonathan Schwantes, senior policy counsel for Consumers Union. "We urge Governor Brown to swiftly sign SB822 into law and send a powerful message that net neutrality is here to stay."

Advocacy groups have kept the pressure on Brown since California's legislature overwhelmingly passed SB 822 last month with bipartisan support.

If SB 822 becomes law, the measure would undo the FCC's repeal of net neutrality--likely setting up a legal clash with the Trump administration--and establish even stronger open internet protections than the 2015 regulations implemented during the Obama administration.

"Defending net neutrality is the free speech fight of our generation," Evan Greer, deputy director of Fight for the Future, declared in a statement. "SB 822 passed the legislature with overwhelming bipartisan support, despite fierce lobbying from the telecom industry. California has a chance to lead the charge to restore the free and open Internet for the entire country. Governor Brown should sign this bill and then every other state should follow suit."

While Greer said she expects Brown to side with the vast majority of Californians and Americans by signing SB 822 into law, she declared that open internet advocates will be "watching closely" to ensure that Brown does not put the profits of telecom companies over the public good.

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