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Sanders Tackles Democratic Socialism, Racial Inequality, the 'Fraud' of Trump, the 'Existential' Climate Crisis, and Much More During CNN Town Hall

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on stage with CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer during a town hall-style forum hosted by the cable network on Monday, February 25, 2019. (Photo: CNN)

Sanders Tackles Democratic Socialism, Racial Inequality, the 'Fraud' of Trump, the 'Existential' Climate Crisis, and Much More During CNN Town Hall

"The message of our campaign is that we have got to bring the American people together around an agenda which creates a government that works for all of us, not just those on top."

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) covered the issues of democratic socialism, Trump's endless lying, racial inequality and reparations for slavery, Medicare for All, what he called the "existential crisis" of climate change, student debt, foreign policy and U.S. military intervention, and much else during Monday night's town hall event hosted by CNN.

The overall message of his campaign, Sanders said, "is that we have got to bring the American people together around an agenda which creates a government that works for all of us, not just those on top."

For those who missed it, here's a selection of key moments.

On Democratic Socialism:

On Medicare for All:

On climate change as an "existential crisis" that must be addressed:

How to pay for this ambitious, progressive agenda?

On the crisis of racial inequality and the question of reparations:

On human rights abroad, U.S. military interventions, and the history of regime change efforts:

On affordable higher education and the crisis of student debt:

On defeating Trump and backing whichever Democrat ultimately nominated:

On the need for a lie detector test when debating Trump:

On exposing Trump for the 'fraud and pathological liar he is':

Watch the full event:

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