Democrats Introduce 'Bold and Vital' Bill to Fully Restore Net Neutrality

"The Save the Internet Act is one of the few pieces of congressional legislation that actually does what it says in the title."

House and Senate Democrats on Wednesday introduced legislation that would fully restore net neutrality protections in a bid to rescue the open internet from corporate throttling, discrimination, and censorship.

"The Save the Internet Act is one of the few pieces of congressional legislation that actually does what it says in the title," Evan Greer, deputy director of the advocacy group Fight for the Future, said in a statement. "The internet is going to come down like a political hammer on any lawmaker who fails to co-sponsor it."

On Twitter, Fight for the Future urged Americans to pressure their representatives to support the legislation:

If passed, the Save the Internet Act (pdf) would fully overturn the Republican-controlled Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) unpopular net neutrality repeal, which went into effect last year.

"Since the FCC foolishly repealed net neutrality, we've seen a wild west where monopoly telephone and cable companies have been free to do what they want at the expense of consumers," Michael Copps, former FCC commissioner and special adviser at Common Cause, said in a statement. "An overwhelming majority of Americans have made it loud and clear they want strong net neutrality rules. Now is the time for our lawmakers to listen to their constituents and take action by passing the Save the Internet Act."

This latest legislative effort to reinstate strong net neutrality rules comes after the House last year failed to pass a resolution to overturn the FCC's repeal. The Senate passed the same resolution with the support of three Republicans.

Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), the lead sponsor of the Save the Internet Act in the Senate, expressed confidence that the legislation will garner enough support to pass both chambers of Congress. Over 40 senators have already signed on as co-sponsors, according to Markey.

Matt Wood, vice president of policy and general counsel Free Press Action, applauded the Save the Internet Act as a "bold and vital step" toward "restoring net neutrality and a whole host of fundamental rights that internet users need."

"The Save the Internet Act is the only choice for any member of Congress wishing to protect the open internet and do right by their constituents," Wood said.

Watch the Democrats' press conference unveiling the legislation:

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