Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez described the "horrifying" conditions she witnessed on Monday in a series of live tweets as she and other congressional Democrats visited migrant detention facilities in Texas.
The New York congresswoman was part of a delegation of 21 lawmakers organized by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and co-led by Rep. Veronica Escobar of Texas.
The group is slated to make stops at three separate facilities, one of which is the Clint site, where a team of laywers recently visited and detailed dangerous and inhumane conditions faced by imprisoned migrant children.
The lawmakers' visits took place the same day as A.C. Thompson reported at ProPublica on a secret Facebook group for current and former Border Patrol agents--boasting roughly 9,500 members--in which participants depicted lewd images of Ocasio-Cortez, joked about the death of a migrant in custody, and, referencing the planned congressional visits, referred to Ocasio-Cortez and women in the group as "hoes" and bitches."
Ocasio-Cortez helped bring attentin to the conditions inside the concentration camps by live-tweeting along the way. She noted the ProPublica reporting, saying it was evidence of a "violent culture."
"How on earth can CBP's culture be trusted to care for refugees humanely?" she asked.
The sexually threatening images the Facebook group posted of her, said Ocasio-Crotez, were in line with the way the detained migrant women were treated. "Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets," she wrote. "This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress."
Her tweets follow: