"Kavanaugh is not the hero of this story. We still believe Christine Blasey Ford, and we won't let him forget that," said Demand Justice senior counsel Katie O'Connor. (Photo: Screengrab)
"The Federalist Society is trying to rehabilitate a credibly accused sexual predator, and we will not allow them to forget Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh's other accusers."
Activists with Demand Justice and the Center for Popular Democracy Action played video of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's Senate testimony on a big screen outside of a Federalist Society dinner Thursday night honoring Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who Ford accused of sexual assault.
"The Federalist Society is trying to rehabilitate a credibly accused sexual predator, and we will not allow them to forget Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh's other accusers," Katie O'Connor senior counsel for Demand Justice, said in a statement. "Kavanaugh is not the hero of this story. We still believe Christine Blasey Ford, and we won't let him forget that. Putting on a new robe can't be allowed to erase credible accusations of sexual assault."
As guests of the event waited outside for the dinner to begin, protestors walked among the crowd chanting "I believe Dr. Ford! I believe Anita Hill!"
During Kavanaugh's speech at the invite-only gala, which was sponsored by Facebook, protestors blew rape whistles and yelled "We believe Christine Ford!" and "We believe survivors!"
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Jake JohnsonJake Johnson is a senior editor and staff writer for Common Dreams.
Activists with Demand Justice and the Center for Popular Democracy Action played video of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's Senate testimony on a big screen outside of a Federalist Society dinner Thursday night honoring Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who Ford accused of sexual assault.
"The Federalist Society is trying to rehabilitate a credibly accused sexual predator, and we will not allow them to forget Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh's other accusers," Katie O'Connor senior counsel for Demand Justice, said in a statement. "Kavanaugh is not the hero of this story. We still believe Christine Blasey Ford, and we won't let him forget that. Putting on a new robe can't be allowed to erase credible accusations of sexual assault."
As guests of the event waited outside for the dinner to begin, protestors walked among the crowd chanting "I believe Dr. Ford! I believe Anita Hill!"
During Kavanaugh's speech at the invite-only gala, which was sponsored by Facebook, protestors blew rape whistles and yelled "We believe Christine Ford!" and "We believe survivors!"