'Planetary Arsonists': Naomi Klein Points to Behavior of Autocratic Leaders Like Bolsonaro, Trump as Exacerbating Climate Crisis

Author Naomi Klein explains the danger of strongmen leaders in a video from Now This News. (Photo: screenshot/NowThisNews/YouTube)

'Planetary Arsonists': Naomi Klein Points to Behavior of Autocratic Leaders Like Bolsonaro, Trump as Exacerbating Climate Crisis

"The fires of hatred are spreading from one country to the next," the author warns in new video. 

Author and activist Naomi Klein warns in a video for Now This News that the behavior of strongmen leaders around the world is exacerbating the climate crisis and spreading hate around the world.

Describing the planet as under threat of climate incineration, Klein in the December 5 video takes aim at leaders like U.S. President Donald Trump, Phillipines President Rodrigo Duterte, and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro--critiquing them for their refusal to put out the fires of climate disruption and surging fascism around the world.

"The men rising to the highest office in country after country are not only refusing to douse the flames, they are true planetary arsonists," says Klein, "determined to torch the planet with glee."

Klein also singles out Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, whose support of coal and rejection of policies aimed addressing the climate crisis is in sharp relief as the smoke from unprecedented wildfires choke out the country's cities, and India's hard-right Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

"Now, the message of all of these strongmen is very clear," Klein explains. "They have a sharply defined in-group--the people who are, you know, the real citizens of their countries, who they offer protection to."

But the in-groups need out-groups, and, as Klein continues, the strongmen are only too happy to find examples of those.

The climate crisis combined with the rise of ethno-supremacy, says Klein, is a recipe for disaster.

"We have these two fires, the fires of climate disruption, these very real fires of climate chaos--the storms, the drought, the fires--but also, the political fires," Klein says.

Klein concludes with asking viewers to support the Green New Deal to address the climate and political crises, citing millions around the world--including teen activist and newly-minted TIME Person of the Year Greta Thunberg--who are mobilizing against the system in a third fire of justice.

"The Green New Deal is a vision that is our best and only chance of putting out those other two fires, the political fires and the climate fires, simultaneously," says Klein.

Watch the video:

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