'Nobody Can Build Like I Can Build. Nobody': Watch Winds Knock Down Trump Border Wall

A construction crew works on a fallen section of the U.S.-Mexico border wall as seen from Mexicali, Baja California state, Mexico, on January 29, 2020. (Photo: STR/AFP/Getty Images)

'Nobody Can Build Like I Can Build. Nobody': Watch Winds Knock Down Trump Border Wall

"What a perfect visual metaphor for a presidency fuelled by hot air."

Mother Nature: 1.

President Donald Trump: 0.

That's the scorecard from the southern border after gusts of wind of up to 37 miles per hour took down a section of the president's much-vaunted border wall in Calexio, California.

The steel wall sections that toppled under the winds, which fell in the Beaufort Scale as "moderate gale" force gusts, were held in place by concrete anchors that had not fully set, according to reporting from the Guardian.

Watch the winds blow the wall over:

News of the collapse drew mockery from opponents of the president's immigration policy.

"Point and laugh everyone, just point and laugh," immigration activist Juan Escalante said on Twitter.

Billionaire Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer quoted Trump's own words in a tweet linking to a news story about the wall's collapse.

The news even drew amused reaction from across the Atlantic.

"What a perfect visual metaphor for a presidency fuelled by hot air," said Scottish National Party politician John Nicolson.

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