Brooklyn subway shooting aftermath show first responders and ambulance stretcher

Police and emergency responders gather at the site of a reported shooting of multiple people outside of the 36 St subway station on April 12, 2022 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. According to authorities, multiple people have reportedly been shot and several undetonated devices were discovered at the 36th Street and Fourth Avenue station in the Sunset Park neighborhood. (Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Shooting, Reports of Explosive Devices and Gunman Wearing Gas Mask in Brooklyn Subway

The shooting took place at the 36th Street station.

This is a breaking and developing story... Check back for possible updates...

A massive police presence was on the scene in Brooklyn, New York on Tuesday following reports of a mass shooting at a subway station--by a gunman described as wearing a gas mask who may also have left behind undetonated explosive devices--during the city's busy early morning rush hour.

According to NBC4 News:

Multiple people have been shot in a Brooklyn subway station and several undetonated devices were also found at the location, according to fire officials and three law enforcement sources. They stress the investigation is preliminary.

The extent of the victims' injuries wasn't clear.

The New York Timesreports, citing an NYPD spokesperson, that police officers were "called to the 36th Street subway station, where the D, N and R lines pass through the Sunset Park neighborhood, at around 8:30 am," and that smoke inside the station had also been reported.

The preliminary indications from law enforcement, according to the Times, were that "five people were shot," and "police were seeking a man with a gas mask and an orange construction vest, the official said."

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