The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Nancy Mancias, CODEPINK RNC coordinator, 415-342-6409

Support Our Oil Companies! (At two "Big Oil" Republican Parties)


Two rallies in support of Big Oil! (Street theater mocking
the relationship between Big Oil and the Republican Party) calling
attention to the war in Iraq, climate-related disasters, pollution and
the speculation and price gouging that has resulted in sky rocketing gas

prices. WHEN: 8:30 p.m. Tuesday; 8 a.m. Wednesday

Epic Entertainment, 510 1st Ave N,Minneapolis (At a party sponsored by
the American Petroleum Institute); Crowne Plaza Hotel, 11 East Kellogg
Blvd., St. Paul (At the hotel of the Texas delegates)

At both of these "rallies," Republican "delegates" wearing "Freedom
Flags" (also known as oil company logos) and yellow "Support Our Oil
Companies" ribbons will be rolling around in the millions of "Oily
Dollars" given back to Republican candidates - including 1.2 million
given to Senator John McCain-three quarters of which only after he
reversed his opposition to offshore drilling. "Senator John McCain"
will wave to the adoring crowd from the top of the "Straight Talk
Express" - a Republican elephant decked out with oil company logos and
an elephant trunk that becomes a gas pump.

"American Petroleum Institute lobbyists" will also be on hand to
explain to the rally and media (with straight faces) how Big Oil's
profit margins are so small that it is a wonder how they manage to stay
in business at all and need more tax breaks. The CEOs of Big Oil are
expected to make appearances as well to pass money back and forth
between themselves and the Republican's they helped put in office.
While there will be absolutely no talk of funding for actual clean
energy alternatives, Gregory Page, CEO of Minneapolis-based
agribusiness giant Cargill, will thank the Republican delegates for $2
billion in government subsidies for ethanol and biofuels (which
contributes to global warming, drives deforestation, is linked to human
rights abuses and pits food against fuel).

The rallies will culminate with Republican Vice-Presidential nominee
Governor Sarah Palin wrestling a nine hundred pound polar bear (Palin
along with the American Petroleum Institute is suing to have the polar
bear removed from the threatened species list in order to better
facilitate greater oil and gas drilling).

These are Republican and Big Oil sponsored rallies and are definitely
not being organized by CodePink, Courage to Resist, Global Exchange,
Oil Change USA, Rainforest Action Network and the Ronald Reagan Home
for the Criminally Insane

CODEPINK is a women-led grassroots organization working to end U.S. wars and militarism, support peace and human rights initiatives, and redirect our tax dollars into healthcare, education, green jobs and other life-affirming programs.

(818) 275-7232