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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Lisa Nurnberger, 202-331-6959

Science and Environmental Organizations Present Obama Transition Team With Prescription for First 100 Days and Beyond

Statement by Kevin Knobloch, Union of Concerned Scientists


Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), the nation's leading science-based
policy organization, joined with more than two dozen environmental
groups to produce a 340-page prescription detailing the steps the new
Obama administration should take
to jumpstart the economy, protect the environment, and enhance national
security. The organizations, which have a combined membership of
millions across the country, delivered the document to the Obama
transition team late yesterday afternoon. (For a copy of the document,
go to:

Below is a statement by UCS President Kevin Knobloch:

Obama has a popular mandate to move expeditiously to reduce our
dependence on oil, curb global warming pollution, and pull the country
out of recession. We're encouraged that he has signaled that his first
order of business will be developing an economic investment package
that will include investments in renewable energy and an upgrade and
expansion of the electricity transmission grid, generating millions of new jobs.

his strong statement last week, President Obama also communicated his
intent to immediately begin working with congressional leaders to craft
a strong climate bill. Congress must promptly pass legislation reducing
global warming emissions at least 80 percent by mid-century to give us
a chance to avoid the worst consequences of climate change. The president-elect understands this. His leadership will be paramount to pushing the right bill through Congress.

new administration also must restore scientific integrity in the
federal government. Our policymakers need unfettered, independent
science to make the right decisions.

has been under siege during the past eight years. Political appointees
have run roughshod over federal scientists, altering or suppressing
their findings or skewing them to fit the administration's agenda. We
are heartened that President-elect Obama has said that under his
administration, government decisions will be based on the best
available science, not on ideology.

President-elect Obama has pledged to replace the culture of secrecy at
federal science agencies with one of openness. When decisions are made
in the open, it is much more difficult to suppress or manipulate
scientific information to justify predetermined decisions. The
president-elect must act quickly to create a thriving federal
scientific enterprise."

The Union of Concerned Scientists is the leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment and a safer world. UCS combines independent scientific research and citizen action to develop innovative, practical solutions and to secure responsible changes in government policy, corporate practices, and consumer choices.