The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Passage of Employee Free Choice Act is Critical

The Center for Community Change's statement on the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)


WASHINGTON - In response to the introduction of the Employee Free Choice Act in
both houses of the U.S. Congress, the Center for Community Change
released the following statement:

"We urge the House and Senate to quickly pass this important piece
of legislation. Our economy can only prosper when it works for
everyone. Especially in difficult times, American communities have a
history of meeting challenges by coming together.

"The rise of corporate greed and irresponsibility has created the
worst economic crisis in this nation since the great depression. It's
time that we empower American families and working people to hold
corporations accountable. Through unions, workers come together to
balance their voices with the power of companies, and to build an
economy that works for all of us.

"The Employee Free Choice Act is critical to checking corporate
irresponsibility because it makes our work places more democratic
through three key provisions: 1) making sure companies recognize unions
when a majority of the workers sign union authorization cards. 2)
Strengthening penalties for corporations that illegally coerce or
intimidate employees, and 3) Allowing a neutral third party to settle
contract disputes when no agreement has been reached for three months."

The mission of the Center for Community Change is to develop the power and capacity of low-income people, especially low-income people of color, to change their communities and public policies for the better.