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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Vaishalee Raja (916) 284-9187

Equality California Marriage Director Receives Mass. Democratic Party's Top Honor

Gov. Deval Patrick presents EQCA’s Marc Solomon with Franklin D. Roosevelt Award


Marc Solomon, Equality California (EQCA) Marriage Director, received the 2009 Franklin D. Roosevelt Award for his leadership in securing marriage for same-sex couples in Massachusetts. At a ceremony last night, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick presented Solomon with the award, the state Democratic Party's top honor.

Facing an unprecedented attack from Gov. Romney, Pres. Bush and the religious right, Solomon led the largest and most successful grassroots campaign in Massachusetts history to defeat efforts to amend the Massachusetts Constitution to take away the right to marry from same-sex couples.

"Marc's dedication and visionary leadership helped Massachusetts' same-sex couples secure the freedom to marry and enjoy the protections and dignity that only marriage provides, said EQCA Executive Director Geoff Kors. "He certainly deserves this honor and it is a testament to his talents that the Governor personally presented him with this award. We are thrilled to have him help lead the continued effort to restore the right to marry for same-sex couples here in California."

In a speech thanking supporters, Solomon said, "We triumphed because our community of LGBT people and our straight allies, kept our heads high, never gave up on anyone, and told our personal stories over and over. We knocked on doors, attended events, opened our homes to our legislators, introduced them to our children, parents, neighbors and friends, and demonstrated that there are gay people in every part of the commonwealth who simply want to be able to fulfill the pursuit of happiness guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence."

Solomon is now leading Equality California's Win Marriage Back: Make it Real! campaign, a grassroots mobilization effort to restore marriage for same-sex couples.

Equality California is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, grassroots-based, statewide advocacy organization whose mission is to achieve equality and civil rights for all lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Californians.