December, 22 2009, 03:51pm EDT
The 2009 P.U.-Litzer Awards
For 17 years our colleagues Jeff
Cohen and Norman Solomon have worked with FAIR to present the
P.U.-Litzers, a year-end review of some of the stinkiest examples of
corporate media malfeasance, spin and just plain outrageousness.
Starting this year, FAIR has the somewhat dubious honor of reviewing
the nominees and selecting the winners. It's a dirty job, but someone
has to do it. So, without further ado, we present the 2009
--The Remembering Reagan Award
WINNER: Joe Klein, Time
Time columnist Joe Klein (12/3/09), not altogether impressed by
Obama's announcement of a troop escalation in Afghanistan, wrote that a
president "must lead the charge--passionately and, yes, with a touch of
He described the better way to do this:
Ronald Reagan would have done it differently.
He would have told a story. It might not have been a true story, but it
would have had resonance. He might have found, or created, a grieving
spouse--a young investment banker whose wife had died in the World
Trade Center--who enlisted immediately after the attacks...and then
gave his life, heroically, defending a school for girls in Kandahar.
Reagan would have inspired tears, outrage, passion, a rush to
recruiting centers across the nation.
Ah, Reagan--now there was a president who could inspire people to fight and die based on lies.
--The Cheney 2012 Award
WINNER: Jon Meacham, Newsweek
Newsweek editor Jon Meacham declared (12/7/09) that Dick Cheney
running for president in 2012 would be "good for the Republicans and
good for the country." He explained that "Cheney is a man of
conviction, has a record on which he can be judged, and whatever the
result, there could be no ambiguity about the will of the people.... A
campaign would also give us an occasion that history denied us in 2008:
an opportunity to adjudicate the George W. Bush years in a direct way."
While the 2008 election might have seemed a sufficient judgment of the
Bush years, it's worth pointing out that at beginning of the year
(1/19/09), Meacham was adamantly opposed to re-hashing Cheney's record,
calling it "the rough equivalent of pornography--briefly engaging,
perhaps, but utterly predictable and finally repetitive." The
difference? That was in response to the idea that Cheney should be held
accountable for lawbreaking. Apparently a few months later, the same
record is grounds for a White House run.
--The Them Not Us Award
WINNER: Martin Fackler, New York Times
The New York Times (11/21/09) describes the severe problems
with Japan's elite media--a horror show where "reporters from major
news media outlets are stationed inside government offices and enjoy
close, constant access to officials. The system has long been
criticized as antidemocratic by both foreign and Japanese analysts, who
charge that it has produced a relatively spineless press that feels
more accountable to its official sources than to the public. In their
apparent reluctance to criticize the government, the critics say, the
news media fail to serve as an effective check on authority."
The mind reels.
--Thin-Skinned Pundits Award
WINNER: Dana Milbank, Washington Post
Washington Post reporters Dana Milbank and Chris Cilizza got
into trouble when, in an episode of their "Mouthpiece Theater" web
video series, they suggested brands of beer that would be appropriate
for various politicians. What would Hillary Clinton drink? Apparently
something called "Mad Bitch." The video, unsurprisingly, was roundly
criticized, and was pulled from the Post site. So what lesson was
learned? Milbank complained (8/6/09) that "it's a brutal world out
there in the blogosphere.... I'm often surprised by the ferocity out
there, but I probably shouldn't be."
Yes, the problem with calling someone a "bitch" is the "ferocity" of your critics.
--The Sheer O'Reillyness Award
WINNER: Bill O'Reilly, Fox News Channel--TWICE!
1) Asked by a Canadian viewer, "Has anyone noticed that life expectancy
in Canada under our health system is higher than the USA?," Fox's
O'Reilly (7/27/09) responded: "Well, that's to be expected, Peter,
because we have 10 times as many people as you do. That translates to
10 times as many accidents, crimes, down the line."
2) Drumming up fear of Democrats' tax plans: "Nancy Pelosi and her
far-left crew want to raise the top federal tax rate to 45 percent.
That's not capitalism. That's Fidel Castro stuff, confiscating wages
that people honestly earn."
Perhaps Castro was president of the United States in 1982-86, when the
top rate was 50 percent. Or maybe all of the 1970s, when it was 70
percent. Or from 1950-63, when it was 91 percent.
--The Less Talk, More Bombs Award
WINNER: David Broder, Washington Post
Post columnist Broder expressed the conventional wisdom on
Barack Obama's deliberations on the Afghanistan War, writing under the
headline "Enough Afghan Debate" (11/15/09):
It is evident from the length of this
deliberative process and from the flood of leaks that have emerged from
Kabul and Washington that the perfect course of action does not exist.
Given that reality, the urgent necessity is to make a decision--whether
or not it is right.
--The Racism Is Dead Award
WINNER: Richard Cohen, Washington Post
Post columnist Richard Cohen wrote (5/5/09): "The justification
for affirmative action gets weaker and weaker. Maybe once it was
possible to argue that some innocent people had to suffer in the name
of progress, but a glance at the White House strongly suggests that
things have changed. For most Americans, race has become supremely
irrelevant. Everyone knows this. Every poll shows this."
For the record, "every poll" does not actually show this; the vast
majority of Americans continues to recognize that racism is still a
problem. Cohen went on to write months later--still presumably living
in his racism-free world--that he did not believe Iran's claims about
its nuclear program, because "these Persians lie like a rug."
--The When in Doubt, Talk to the Boss Award
WINNER: Matt Lauer, NBC News
Today show host Lauer announced a special guest on April 15: "If
you really want to know how the economy is affecting the average
American, he's the guy to talk to." Who was Lauer talking about?
Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke. The ensuing interview touched on the Employee
Free Choice Act, which Lauer noted was supported by many unions but
opposed by some large corporations--leading him to ask Duke, "What's
the truth?" Yes, look for "the truth" about a proposed pro-labor bill
from the new CEO of an adamantly anti-labor corporation.
--The Socialist Menace Award
WINNER: Michael Freedman, Newsweek
Newsweek's "We Are All Socialists Now" cover (2/16/09) certainly
turned heads, but one of the stories inside explained in more detail
the real threat. As senior editor Michael Freedman asked: "Have you
noticed that Barack Obama sounds more like the president of France
every day?"
The real problem, though, is what that's going to do to us Americans,
says Freedman: "If job numbers continue to look dismal, or get even
worse, an ever-greater number of people will start looking to the
government for support.... It's very easy to imagine a chorus of former
American individualists demanding cushy French-style pensions and free
British-style healthcare if their private stock funds fail to recover
and unemployment inches upward toward 10 percent and remains there."
Pensions and healthcare for all--this is worse than we thought!
--The Iraq All Over Again Award
WINNER: Too Many to Name
After the invasion of Iraq, countless journalists who had treated
allegations about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction as facts were
embarrassed when there were no such weapons to be found. So you'd think
they'd be more careful about thinly sourced claims that Iran is seeking
nuclear weapons. But in 2009, many journalists are still willing to
treat such allegations as facts.
-NBC's Chris Matthews (10/4/09): "As if Afghanistan were not enough, now there's Iran's move to get nuclear weapons."
-NBC's David Gregory (10/4/09). "Iran--will talks push that country to give up its nuclear weapons program?"
-Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly (9/25/09): "All hell
breaking loose as a new nuclear weapons facility is discovered in Iran,
proving the mullahs have been lying for years.... Iran's nuclear
weapons program has now reached critical mass. And worldwide conflict
is very possible. Friday, President Obama, British Prime Minister Brown
and French President Sarkozy revealed a secret nuclear weapons facility
located inside Iran."
Some even went further, turning allegations of a nuclear weapons program into the discovery of actual nuclear weapons:
-ABC's Good Morning America host Bill Weir (9/26/09):
"President Obama and a united front of world leaders charge Iran with
secretly building nuclear weapons."
--The Talking Like a Terrorist Award
WINNER: Thomas Friedman, New York Times
In a January 14 column, New York Times
superstar pundit Tom Friedman explained Israel's war on Lebanon as an
attempt to "educate" the enemy by killing civilians: The Israeli
strategy was to "inflict substantial property damage and collateral
casualties on Lebanon at large. It was not pretty, but it was logical."
Friedman added, "The only long-term source of deterrence was to exact
enough pain on the civilians--the families and employers of the
militants--to restrain Hezbollah in the future." That strategy of
targeting civilians to advance a political agenda is usually known as
terrorism; Osama bin Laden couldn't have explained it much better.
--The It Only Bothers Us Now Award
WINNER: Wall Street Journal editorial page
When Barack Obama only called on journalists from a list during a press conference, the Wall Street Journal
did not like the new protocol (2/12/09):"We doubt that President Bush,
who was notorious for being parsimonious with follow-ups, would have
gotten away with prescreening his interlocutors."
Actually, Bush was famous for calling only on reporters on an approved
list; as he joked at a press conference on the eve of the Iraq War
(3/6/03), "This is scripted."
--The No Comment Award
WINNERS: MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski and Rush Limbaugh
When asked by Politico (10/16/09) to name her favorite
guest, MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski named arch-conservative Pat Buchanan
"because he says what we are all thinking."
Rush Limbaugh on Obama (Fox News Channel, 1/21/09): "We are
being told that we have to hope he succeeds, that we have to bend over,
grab the ankles...because his father was black."
FAIR, the national media watch group, has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986. We work to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater diversity in the press and by scrutinizing media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints.
'Unite and Resist': Women's Day Rallies Against Trump Held From Coast to Coast
"This is our day to stand together, make our voices heard, and show the world that we are not backing down," said Women's March.
Mar 08, 2025
Women and their allies took to the streets of cities and towns from coast to coast Saturday for a "Unite and Resist" national day of action against the Trump administration coordinated by Women's March.
"Since taking office, the Trump administration has unleashed a war against women driven by the Project 2025 playbook, which is why, more than ever, we must continue to resist, persist, and demand change," Women's March said, referring to the Heritage Foundation-led blueprint for a far-right overhaul of the federal government that, according to the Guttmacher Institute, "seeks to obliterate sexual and reproductive health and rights."
"This is our day to stand together, make our voices heard, and show the world that we are not backing down," Women's March added. "Women's rights are under attack, but we refuse to go backward."
Women's March executive director Rachel O'Leary Carmona asserted that "the broligarchy that owns Trump is working to 'flood the zone' with hateful executive actions and rhetoric, trying to overwhelm us into submission."
"But we refuse to lose focus," she vowed. "We refuse to stand by."
In San Francisco, where more than 500 people rallied, 17-year-old San Ramon, California high school student Saya Kubo gave the San Francisco Chronicle reasons why she was marching.
"Abortion, Elon Musk, educational rights and trans rights, LGBTQ rights, climate change—all of these things, I am standing up for what I believe in," she said.
Her mother, 51-year-old Aliso Kubo, said that "we came out here specifically to support my daughter and women's rights."
Thousands rallied down the coast in Los Angeles, where protester Pamela Baez toldFox 11 that she was there to "support equality."
"I think I mostly want people to be aware that women are people. They have rights," Baez said. "We just want to show everybody that we care about them. People deserve healthcare. Women deserve rights."
Thousands of people rallied on Boston Common on a chilly but sunny Saturday.
"We are the ones who are going to stand up," participant Ashley Barys toldWCVB. "There is a magic when women come together. We can really make change happen."
Boston protester Celeste Royce said that "it was really important for me to be here today, to stand up for human rights, for women's rights, to protect bodily autonomy, to just make myself and my presence known."
Sierra Night Tide toldWLOS that seeing as how Asheville, North Carolina had no event scheduled for Saturday, she "decided to step up and create one."
At least hundreds turned out near Pack Square Park for the rally:
Today at the Women's March in Asheville, NC
— Senior Fellow Antifa 101st Chairborne Division (@jrh0) March 9, 2025
"As a woman who has faced toxic corporate environments, living with a physical disability, experienced homelessness, and felt the impact of Hurricane Helene, I know firsthand the urgent need for collective action," Night Tide said. "This event is about standing up for all marginalized communities and ensuring our voices are heard."
Michelle Barth, a rally organizer in Eugene, Oregon, toldThe Register Guard that "we need to fight and stop the outlandish discrimination in all sectors of government and restore the rights of the people."
"We need to protect women's rights. It's our bodies and our choice," Barth added. "Our bodies should not be regulated because there are no regulations for men's bodies. Women are powerful, they are strong, they're intelligent, they're passionate, they are angry, and we're ready to stand up against injustice."
In Grand Junction, Colorado, co-organizer Mallory Martin hailed the diverse group of women and allies in attendance.
"In times when things are so divisive, it can feel very lonely and isolating, and so the community that builds around movements like this has been so welcoming and so beautiful that it's heartwarming to see," Martin toldKKCO.
In Portland, Oregon, protester Cait Lotspeich turned out in a "Bring On the Matriarchy" T-shirt.
"I'm here because I support women's rights," Lotspeich
said in an interview with KATU. "We have a right to speak our minds and we have a right to stand up for what is true and what is right, and you can see that women are powerful, and we are here to exert that power."
The United States was one of dozens of nations that saw International Women's Day protests on Saturday. In Germany, video footage emerged of police brutalizing women-led pro-Palestine protesters in Berlin.
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'Dangerous Union-Busting': Trump Rescinds Collective Bargaining for Air Safety Union
"Let's be clear: This is the beginning, not the end, of the fight for Americans' fundamental rights to join a union," said one labor leader.
Mar 08, 2025
Labor advocates condemned Friday's announcement by the Trump administration that it will end collective bargaining for Transportation Safety Administration security officers, a move described by one union leader as an act of "dangerous union-busting ripped from the pages of Project 2025."
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) claimed in a statement Friday that collective bargaining for the TSA's security officers "constrained" the agency's chief mission of protecting transportation systems and keeping travelers safe, and that "eliminating collective bargaining removes bureaucratic hurdles that will strengthen workforce agility, enhance productivity and resiliency, while also jumpstarting innovation."
All the union leaders who supported Trump (like Sean O'Brien) should have to answer some painful questions about Trump rescinding collective bargaining rights for TSA agents.
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— Mike Nellis ( March 7, 2025 at 10:03 AM
As Huffpost labor reporter Dave Jamieson explained:
Workers at TSA, which Congress created in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, do not enjoy the same union rights as employees at most other federal agencies. Bargaining rights can essentially be extended or rescinded at the will of the administrator.
Those rights were introduced at TSA by former President Barack Obama and strengthened under former President Joe Biden. But now they are being tossed aside by Trump.
"Forty-seven thousands transportation security officers show up at over 400 airports across the country every single day to make sure our skies are safe for air travel," Everett Kelley, national president of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), said in response to DHS announcement. "Many of them are veterans who went from serving their country in the armed forces to wearing a second uniform protecting the homeland and ensuring another terrorist attack like September 11 never happens again."
Kelley argued that President Donald Trump and Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem "have violated these patriotic Americans' right to join a union in an unprovoked attack."
"They gave as a justification a completely fabricated claim about union officials—making clear this action has nothing to do with efficiency, safety, or homeland security," he said "This is merely a pretext for attacking the rights of regular working Americans across the country because they happen to belong to a union."
AFGE—which represents TSA security officers—has filed numerous lawsuits in a bid to thwart Trump administration efforts, led by Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency, to terminate thousands of federal workers and unilaterally shut down government agencies under the guise of improving outcomes.
"This is merely a pretext for attacking the rights of regular working Americans across the country because they happen to belong to a union."
"Our union has been out in front challenging this administration's unlawful actions targeting federal workers, both in the legal courts and in the court of public opinion," Kelley noted. "Now our TSA officers are paying the price with this clearly retaliatory action."
"Let's be clear: This is the beginning, not the end, of the fight for Americans' fundamental rights to join a union," Kelley stressed. "AFGE will not rest until the basic dignity and rights of the workers at TSA are acknowledged by the government once again."
AFL-CIO president Liz Shuler said in a statement: "TSA officers are the front-line defense at America's airports for the millions of families who travel by air each year. Canceling the collective bargaining agreement between TSA and its security officer workforce is dangerous union-busting ripped from the pages of Project 2025 that leaves the 47,000 officers who protect us without a voice."
"Through a union, TSA officers are empowered to improve work conditions and make air travel safer for passengers," Shuler added. "With this sweeping, illegal directive, the Trump administration is retaliating against unions for challenging its unlawful Department of Government Efficiency actions against America's federal workers in court."
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South Carolina Carries Out 'Horrifying and Violent' Firing Squad Execution of Brad Sigmon
"By executing Brad Sigmon, South Carolina has also executed the possibility of redemption," said one critic. "Our state is declaring that no matter what you do to make up for your wrongdoing, we reserve the right to kill you."
Mar 08, 2025
South Carolina executed Brad Keith Sigmon by firing squad on Friday evening, drawing international attention to a method that hasn't been used for 15 years in the United States and prompting renewed calls to abolish capital punishment.
Sigmon, 67—who was convicted of beating his ex-girlfriend's parents, David and Gladys Larke, to death with a baseball bat in 2001—was shot by a firing squad consisting of three volunteers at the Broad River Correctional Institution in Columbia, the state capital, at 6:05 p.m. local time Friday, according to a statement from the South Carolina Department of Corrections. He was pronounced dead by a physician three minutes later.
Gerald "Bo" King, an attorney representing Sigmon, read his client's final statement shortly before his execution.
"I want my closing statement to be one of love and a calling to my fellow Christians to help us end the death penalty," Sigmon wrote. "An eye for an eye was used as justification to the jury for seeking the death penalty."
"At that time, I was too ignorant to know how wrong that was," he added. "Why? Because we no longer live under the Old Testament law but now live under the New Testament. Nowhere does God in the New Testament give man the authority to kill another man."
A hood was then placed over Sigmon's head and a bullseye over his heart. The three volunteers then fired their rifles from an opening in a wall 15 feet (4.5 meters) away.
"There was no warning or countdown," wrote witness and journalist Jeffrey Collins. "The abrupt crack of the rifles startled me. And the white target with the red bullseye that had been on his chest, standing out against his black prison jumpsuit, disappeared instantly as Sigmon's whole body flinched... A jagged red spot about the size of a small fist appeared where Sigmon was shot."
"I've now watched through glass and bars as 11 men were put to death at a South Carolina prison," Collins noted. "None of the previous 10 prepared me for watching the firing squad death of Brad Sigmon on Friday night."
King, who also witnessed Sigmon's killing, described the execution as "horrifying and violent."
"He chose the firing squad knowing that three bullets would shatter his bones and destroy his heart," said King. "But that was the only choice he had, after the state's three executions by lethal injection inflicted prolonged and potentially torturous deaths on men he loved like brothers."
"He chose the firing squad knowing that three bullets would shatter his bones and destroy his heart."
A desire to resume executions during a 10-year pause due to a shortage of lethal injection drugs prompted Republican state lawmakers to pass and GOP South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster in 2021 to sign legislation forcing the state's death row inmates to choose between the electric chair, firing squad, or lethal injection (if available) as their method of execution.
King said state officials failed to provide information about lethal injection drugs.
"Brad only wanted assurances that these drugs were not expired, or diluted, or spoiled—what any of us would want to know about the medication we take, or the food we eat, much less the means of our death," the attorney explained.
Sigmon's legal team had unsuccessfully argued that brain damage and mental illness should have spared him from execution.
Rev. Hillary Taylor, executive director of the advocacy group South Carolinians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (SCADP), said in a
statement Friday that "by executing Brad Sigmon, South Carolina has also executed the possibility of redemption."
"As Brad's spiritual advisor, I can personally attest to the fact that he is a different man today than the person he was more than 20 years ago, when he harmed the Larke family," she continued. "Our state is declaring that no matter what you do to make up for your wrongdoing, we reserve the right to kill you."
"But the question is not whether Brad deserved to die: The question is whether we deserved to kill," Taylor asserted. "In John 8, Jesus had very pointed instructions about which people can kill other people: 'Only those without sin can cast the first stone."
"The last time I checked, no person on this Earth fits that description, not even Gov. Henry McMaster, whose hardened heart remains the reason why executions continue in the first place," she added.
South Carolina has been executing condemned inmates at a rate described by ACLU of South Carolina communications director Paul Bowers as an "assembly line." The state has put four people to death since last September: Freddie Eugene Owens, killed by lethal injection last September 20; Richard Bernard Moore, killed by lethal injection (after changing his choice from firing squad) last November 1; Marion Bowman Jr., killed by lethal injection on January 31; and Sigmon.
State records show 28 inmates on South Carolina's death row.
Across the United States, there are five more executions scheduled this month, according to the Death Penalty Information Center.
This is the first of six executions scheduled in six states this month. From the Death Penalty Information Center, one is scheduled for next week and then a horrifying four the week after that. This appears, however, to be more confluence than some big change.
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— Chris Geidner ( March 7, 2025 at 3:52 PM
Addressing the issue of capital punishment in South Carolina, SCADP's Taylor said Friday that "despite national and international media news coverage, most South Carolinians will go to bed tonight unaware that we have executed another person—let alone with a firing squad."
"That's how little this issue impacts our citizens," she continued. "South Carolina should be known by other states and countries for its radical care of its citizens. Instead, we are known for our state-sponsored violence."
"If executions made us safer, we would be the 9th-safest state in the country," Taylor argued. "But they don't, and we aren't. It is not the state leaders who will reap the consequences of the death penalty: it is the everyday South Carolina citizens themselves. As long as we have the death penalty, we will fail to address the true causes of violence, including poverty, abuse, and neglect."
South Carolina carries out execution by firing squad, first in USA since 2010. A reminder that these 6 MAGA men also intro'd a bill to codify abortion as murder—enabling the horrific scenario that a woman who gets an abortion could be executed by firing squad.
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— Qasim Rashid, Esq. ( March 8, 2025 at 5:38 AM
Yet instead of curtailing executions, many South Carolina Republicans want to expand the category of crimes that qualify for capital punishment. In 2023, more than 20 Republican state lawmakers backed a bill to make people who obtain abortion care eligible for execution.
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