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New Report: Greenpeace Energy Blueprint Shows How Existing Alternatives to Fossil Fuels Will Revolutionize a Broken Energy Economy

In the midst of the intractable crisis caused by
the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, it is time to stop investing in a
broken energy economy and seize the opportunity to invest in a
sustainable energy future, according to the environmental group
Greenpeace. The way forward is illustrated in "Energy [R]evolution: A
Sustainable USA Energy Outlook," one of the most comprehensive plans for
future production and distribution of sustainable energy systems
launched today by Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council


In the midst of the intractable crisis caused by
the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, it is time to stop investing in a
broken energy economy and seize the opportunity to invest in a
sustainable energy future, according to the environmental group
Greenpeace. The way forward is illustrated in "Energy [R]evolution: A
Sustainable USA Energy Outlook," one of the most comprehensive plans for
future production and distribution of sustainable energy systems
launched today by Greenpeace and the European Renewable Energy Council

The report provides a detailed practical blueprint for cutting
carbon emissions while achieving economic growth by replacing fossil
fuels with renewable energy and energy efficiency. This phase-out of
fossil fuels offers substantial benefits such as energy security,
independence from world market fuel prices, and reduction in
pollution-related illnesses.

"President Obama said Tuesday he wanted to know 'whose ass to kick' over
the Gulf oil spill: The answer is everyone - the oil giants, King Coal,
Senators like Lisa Murkowski, his staff, and himself - because they
all, due to a lack of vision or a bank account of corporate
contributions, have not led the way for the energy revolution that this
moment now demands. Enough is enough," said Phil Radford, Greenpeace USA
Executive Director.

The Energy [R]evolution shows how by 2050 renewable energy sources could
provide around 96% of electricity produced in the USA and 98% of our
total heating demand, accounting for around 88% of our overall primary
energy demand. The blueprint would create about 1.1 million jobs in the
renewables sector alone, by 2030. The total fuel cost savings in the
scenario described could reach a total of $7.4 trillion, or $173 billion
per year.

The scenarios in the Energy [R]evolution can begin by supporting
policies that promote energy efficiency in building design and
transportation, and transition to the use of renewable energy resources
and away from reliance on coal, nuclear, and oil. The sustainable
future of the planet is rooted in the investment in people and local
communities who can install and maintain renewable energy sources,
rather than further subsidizing dirty and finite fossil fuels.

Despite the costs of the US reliance on fossil fuels, the US Senate is
scheduled to consider a proposal tomorrow from Senator Lisa Murkowski
that would protect oil companies and other big polluters from regulation
under the Clean Air Act.

"Our Energy [R]evolution scenario shows how to eliminate unpredictable
fossil fuel costs, destructive mining and oil exploration and with it
catastrophes such as the current BP Gulf oil spill," said Sven Teske,
Greenpeace International's Senior Energy Expert and co-author of the
report. "Investing in people, rather than dirty and dangerous fossil
fuels not only boosts global economic development but stems catastrophic
climate change."

Copies of the "Energy [R]evolution: A Sustainable World Energy Outlook"
report can be downloaded at:

Greenpeace is a global, independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.

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