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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release


Dangers of -- and Subsidies to -- U.S. Nuclear Industry

The Boston Globe reports today: "Nuclear plant emergency generators like those that failed in Japan following the March earthquake and tsunami also failed during tests at the Seabrook Station in New Hampshire and 32 other U.S. plants in the past eight years, according to a report by U.S. Representative Edward J. Markey's office."


The Boston Globe reports today: "Nuclear plant emergency generators like those that failed in Japan following the March earthquake and tsunami also failed during tests at the Seabrook Station in New Hampshire and 32 other U.S. plants in the past eight years, according to a report by U.S. Representative Edward J. Markey's office."

HARVEY WASSERMAN, solartopia at
Wasserman recently wrote the piece "Let's Join Japan and Junk New Nukes," which states: "Japan will build no new nuclear reactors. It's a huge body blow to the global industry, and could mark a major turning point in the future of energy.

"Says Prime Minister Naoto Kan: 'We need to start from scratch ... and do more to promote renewables.'

"Wind power alone could -- and now probably will -- replace 40 nukes in Japan.

"The United States must join them. Axing the $36 billion currently stuck in the 2012 federal budget for loan guarantees to build new reactors could do the trick."

Wasserman is author of Solartopia! Our Green-Powered Earth, AD 2030 (which includes an introduction by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.).

Wasserman edits -- which features relevant news articles, for example, recently: "TEPCO [Tokyo Electric Power Company]: Nuclear Fuel Melted as Rods Fully Exposed" and "Panel Recommends Germany Shut All Nukes by 2021."

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