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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
Contact: Drew Courtney or Josh Glasstetter,Phone: 202-467-4999,Email:,

PFAW Condemns Latest GOP Excuse to Block Judicial Nominations

Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell announced Wednesday that he will block the confirmations of federal circuit court nominees from now until after the November elections, citing what he claims is a Senate tradition sometimes called the "Thurmond Rule." Ten percent of federal judgeships are vacant, creating caseload backlogs so large that 30 of those seats are considered "judicial emergencies."


Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell announced Wednesday that he will block the confirmations of federal circuit court nominees from now until after the November elections, citing what he claims is a Senate tradition sometimes called the "Thurmond Rule." Ten percent of federal judgeships are vacant, creating caseload backlogs so large that 30 of those seats are considered "judicial emergencies."

"Senate Republicans have once again put politics ahead of the needs of the American people," said Michael Keegan, President of People For the American Way. "Blocking the president's well-qualified nominees seriously hampers the ability of the federal courts to serve Americans who seek justice in a court of law.

"Acting on the president's nominations is the Senate's responsibility to the American people. Unfortunately, politics is the GOP's top priority, and it's clear that Senator McConnell would prefer to keep the judiciary dangerously understaffed in hopes of someday filling those seats with a Republican president's nominees. Because obstruction has been their strategy since losing the White House, most of the nominees caught in their trap would ordinarily have been confirmed long ago. Thanks to the GOP's decision to shirk its responsibility by playing games, the backlog of nominees continues to grow and the American people are denied a fully functioning justice system.

"The President's nominees awaiting confirmation are well qualified and will serve fairly and impartially. Almost all received strong bipartisan support from the Senate Judiciary Committee. There is absolutely no legitimate reason to block these confirmations, and the GOP should be ashamed to cite an indefensible tradition to justify this act."

People For the American Way works to build a democratic society that implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all. We encourage civic participation, defend fundamental rights, and fight to dismantle systemic barriers to equitable opportunity. We fight against right-wing extremism and the injustice it fosters.

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