The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
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NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina Responds to Sneak Attack Act SB 353

Just hours after Governor McCrory told reporters he would veto HB 695 if it wasn't changed, extreme anti-choice lawmakers launched another surprise attack on women's health. This time they introduced a slew of amendments to motorcycle safety bill (SB 353), essentially turning HB 695 into SB 353. This is the same bill under a different name.


Just hours after Governor McCrory told reporters he would veto HB 695 if it wasn't changed, extreme anti-choice lawmakers launched another surprise attack on women's health. This time they introduced a slew of amendments to motorcycle safety bill (SB 353), essentially turning HB 695 into SB 353. This is the same bill under a different name.

"After what happened over the holiday weekend, we have come to expect back door maneuvering and secret dealings from extreme anti-choice lawmakers, but we were still shocked and appalled by this morning's events," said Suzanne Buckley, Executive Director of NARAL Pro-Choice North Carolina.

"As of 9am this morning, SB 353 was a bill about motorcycle safety, within minutes of its introduction, it was transformed into an omnibus anti-choice bill. It has now headed to the House for a vote," she continued. "The process this legislation has taken shows an utter disregard for women's health and safety. This is not the kind of leadership North Carolina voters deserve. The women's health advocates and reproductive rights supporters who have showed up at the NCGA every day this week to protest HB 695 will not be silenced by empty promises or word-games, and they will not be fooled by claims that SB 353 is somehow a pro-women bill," she said.

"We will continue to push the Governor to keep the promise he made to NC voters back in October."

"If the Governor wants to keep his campaign promise to North Carolina voters, he must veto this bill. This bill is a clear attempt to place further restrictions on safe and legal abortion care in North Carolina. We, and thousands of North Carolinians will be watching," Buckley concluded.

To speak with Suzanne Buckley, Executive Director of NARAL North Carolina, please call her at 919.475.7726 or email

For over 50 years, Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America) has fought to protect and advance reproductive freedom at the federal and state levels—including access to abortion care, birth control, pregnancy and post-partum care, and paid family leave—for everybody. Reproductive Freedom for All is powered by its more than 4 million members from every state and congressional district in the country, representing the 8 in 10 Americans who support legal abortion.
