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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Peoples Climate March Will 'Literally' Surround the White House

Mass Mobilization to Show Broad Resistance to Trump Agenda on April 29th


The Peoples Climate March announced it will 'literally' surround the White House as part of its mass mobilization in Washington, DC on Saturday, April 29th.

Tens of thousands are expected to converge on Washington, DC from virtually every state in the country. In addition, more than 290 sister marches are planned across the country and around the world.

"At 2 PM on April 29th, tens of thousands of people will encircle the White House in Washington D.C. to directly confront Donald Trump and challenge those who are pursuing a right-wing agenda that destroys our environment while favoring corporations and the 1 percent over workers and communities," said Paul Getsos, National Coordinator for the Peoples Climate Movement. "This administration continues waging attacks on immigrants, Muslims, people of color and LGBTQIA people everyday. This moment will be the highlight of a day that will begin with a march leading from the Capital to Washington Monument."

The Peoples Climate March will near begin the Capitol, travel up Pennsylvania Avenue, and then surround the entire White House Grounds from 15th Street in the East to 17th Street in the West, and Pennsylvania Avenue in the North to Constitution Avenue in the South. The march will close with a post march rally, concert and gathering at the Washington Monument.

"After 100 days of this administration, it's our time to show our resilience, to show that we're still here, that we're only getting stronger, that we're multiplying and that we're never giving up on justice, or on the people," said Angela Adrar, executive director of the Climate Justice Alliance. "The Peoples Climate March is about building and deepening connections and linking the intersectionality we need in this moment. On April 30th, our movement will be stronger and more prepared to rise than on April 29th but we will need everyone to rise together."

"Around this country, working people understand that we don't have to choose between good jobs and a clean environment; we can and must have both," said Kim Glas, executive director of the BlueGreen Alliance. "Together we can tackle climate change in a way that will ensure all Americans have the opportunity to prosper and live in neighborhoods where they can breathe their air and drink their water. We will build a clean economy that leaves no one behind."