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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release
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Stop the GOP Tax Scam--Join the National Week of Action

Next week, the U.S. Congress could put the finishing touches on a massive tax cut for America's wealthiest people and biggest corporations. Who would pay for this? You and I.

Under the Republican tax plan, tens of millions of middle-class people will see their taxes rise. To make matters worse, the Senate version of this tax scam would strike at a core provision of the Affordable Care Act. If passed, it would destabilize health insurance for tens of millions of Americans.1


Next week, the U.S. Congress could put the finishing touches on a massive tax cut for America's wealthiest people and biggest corporations. Who would pay for this? You and I.

Under the Republican tax plan, tens of millions of middle-class people will see their taxes rise. To make matters worse, the Senate version of this tax scam would strike at a core provision of the Affordable Care Act. If passed, it would destabilize health insurance for tens of millions of Americans.1

Every single day over the next week will be critical in this fight. The Senate could vote as early as Thursday, and the House could vote to pass the Senate version next Monday. That's why MoveOn members all across the country are hosting local actions as part of a Week of Action, November 29-December 2, to demand Congress say no to this atrocious bill.

Will you join a a local event to call on Congress to oppose this scam? Click here now to find the event closest to you, or to find other events across the country.

Truth is, many Republicans are afraid. They have cancelled town hall meetings and avoided public hearings. They know that public opinion is against this bill. They know that sunlight is their enemy. That's why they are moving so fast.

Even as Republicans do their best to avoid public settings, they are anxiously staring out their windows, wondering how many angry voters are just around the corner. If we can pressure just three Republican senators--or 11 more Republican representatives--to vote no, we can stop this scam just as we blocked Trumpcare.

Will you take a stand against this tax scam bill? Will you join your community and push your elected officials to vote no? Around the country, folks are delivering petition signatures, sharing stories of how this tax bill would hurt them ... and even singing holiday carol parodies to shame Congress into voting no.

Click here now to find the event closest to you, or to find other events across the country.

We hope you can join us at the event--and that you can keep calling Congress, spreading the word on social media, talking to neighbors, and using every day to fight this bill.

MoveOn is where millions mobilize for a better society--one where everyone can thrive. Whether it's supporting a candidate, passing legislation, or changing our culture, MoveOn members are committed to an inclusive and progressive future. We envision a world marked by equality, sustainability, justice, and love. And we mobilize together to achieve it.