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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Janet Redman,, David Turnbull,

Trump Administration Budget and Infrastructure Proposals Signal All-out Assault on Public Health, Environment


Today, the Trump administration unveiled both an infrastructure plan and a budget proposal for fiscal year 2019 that pave the way for an expansion of the fossil fuel industry. In response, Janet Redman, U.S. Policy Director at Oil Change International, released the following comment:

"Trump's infrastructure scam is all about greasing the wheels for oil, gas and coal development and his budget funds this massive giveaway. 'Streamlining' critical environmental review really means steamrolling landowners and putting a muzzle on communities when they resist oil and gas pipelines being built through their backyards for private profit.

"The Trump administration's budget and infrastructure proposals are part of a single effort to gut bedrock environmental protections, give a free pass to polluters to boost their profits, and further imperil our climate and communities. Trump wants to slash critical programs families depend on in order to pay for massive oil and gas giveaways which will shift financial burdens to cities and states while privatizing shared public resources.

"Trump must think the American public is stupid if he thinks we won't notice that his proposals slash critical public programs and environmental protections in the name of austerity only months after giving a $1.5 trillion tax break to millionaires, billionaires and corporate interests. There's a clear pattern with this administration - its policies are designed to take money out of the pockets of everyday Americans and give it to private corporations, wealthy investors, and Big Oil. Together with the tax scam, the Trump budget and infrastructure proposals are blueprints for how to bleed American families, towns and states dry while underwriting the profits of the fossil fuel industry."

Oil Change International is a research, communications, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating the ongoing transition to clean energy.

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