The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Sanders Joins Progressive Activists for International Call to Build Globally Coordinated People's Movement for Peace

Activists from the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Israel, South Africa, Canada, Korea, New Zealand, Nepal and the Netherlands Come Together to Discuss Diplomatic Solutions to Global Crises


On Sunday, March 18, to mark the 15th anniversary of the United States' invasion of Iraq, thousands of grassroots activists from more than 15 countries will come together in a live video call to discuss diplomatic solutions to international conflicts. The call is part of an effort to build a globally coordinated diplomatic movement that can tip the balance towards peace.

WHEN:Sunday, March 18th at 2:00 p.m. EDT


SPEAKERS INCLUDE: Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, Jenny Town, Assistant Director, US - Korea Institute SAIS; Christine Ahn, Founder and International Coordinator, Women Cross DMZ; Raed Jarrar, Middle East and North Africa Advocacy Director, Amnesty International USA.

The video call comes just one week after the abrupt dismissal of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and in advance of Donald Trump's planned meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in May.

OPEN, a global network of progressive grassroots campaigning organizations in nearly 20 countries, will host the video conference with the goal of helping to galvanize and elevate a global movement supporting viable, diplomatic initiatives that deliver strong and lasting peace.

Participating organizations include:, ACLU, AHang, MoveOn, Win Without War, CREDO Action, ReThink Media, Peace Action, Progressive Congress Action Fund, Common Defense, Jewish Voice for Peace, 38 Degrees, Action Station, Akcja Demokracja, Amandla.Mobi, Aufstehn, Campact, Campax, De Clic, De Goede Zak, Garjan-Nepal, Le Mouvement, LeadNow, Skiftet, Uplift, Women Making Peace - Korea, Zazim

United States Senator for Vermont

(202) 224-5141