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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Cassady Craighill, 828-817-3328

For additional updates and visual requests:

Travis Nichols,, 206-802-8498

Yianni Varonis,, 330-806-3599

Kayaktivists Leaving Kinder Morgan Blockade in Seattle

The activists who stopped an oil barge from entering into Kinder Morgan's Harbor Island facility have left the blockade. The activists were protesting Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline expansion which would increase tar sands tanker traffic in Washington waters by seven fold.

Photos from the protest can be found here:


The activists who stopped an oil barge from entering into Kinder Morgan's Harbor Island facility have left the blockade. The activists were protesting Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain pipeline expansion which would increase tar sands tanker traffic in Washington waters by seven fold.

Photos from the protest can be found here:

Live blog of the protest here:

Greenpeace USA and Mosquito Fleet led today's actions in protest of Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain expansion project. In addition to two activists physically locked down at the Kinder Morgan facility, local kayaktivists next to the facility deployed a 32 feet by 74 feet water banner that reads "NOT THEN" with a Shell Oil logo, and "NOT NOW," with the Trans Mountain logo. This action comes as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doubled down today on his support for the pipeline by saying it's "imperative" for the Canadian economy.

"Kinder Morgan desperately wants certainty ahead of their May 31 deadline for their Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, but the only certainty they'll get is more resistance like they saw today," said Greenpeace USA tar sands campaigner Rachel Rye Butler.

Today's action comes only two weeks before Kinder Morgan will determine if it will continue with its Trans Mountain expansion project and against the backdrop of overwhelming momentum for the Indigenous-led movement against pipelines. Kinder Morgan and other companies like TransCanada and Energy Transfer Partners continue to face protests, negative press, delays, and lawsuits.

This week also marks the three year anniversary of the Paddle in Seattle protests against Shell Oil's drilling in the Arctic.

Greenpeace is a global, independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative communication to expose global environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential to a green and peaceful future.

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