The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

The New Congress Is Poised to Make History

The following is a statement from Nancy Altman, President of Social Security Wo


The following is a statement from Nancy Altman, President of Social Security Works, in reaction to the news that House Democrats will be holding hearings on expanded and improved Medicare for All:

"This Congress will be historic. House Democrats will hold hearings on expanding Social Security for the first time in almost half a century and on universal health insurance for the first time in almost three-quarters of a century. Credit for these hearings goes to incoming Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and the other visionary leaders on these issues.

The hearings will highlight the wisdom of these policies and put pressure on those who oppose them. In that way, these hearings will bring us a giant step toward greater economic security. In the words of President Franklin Roosevelt, when he signed Social Security into law, "If...the House of Representatives in this long and arduous session had done nothing more... the session would be regarded as historic for all time."

Social Security Works' mission is to: Protect and improve the economic security of disadvantaged and at-risk populations; Safeguard the economic security of those dependent, now or in the future, on Social Security; and Maintain Social Security as a vehicle of social justice.