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For Immediate Release

Sanders, Blumenauer and Ocasio-Cortez Announce Introduction of Climate Emergency Resolution

On Tuesday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) announced the introduction of a resolution in both chambers of Congress to declare that the climate emergency facing the planet demands a "national, social, industrial, and economic mobilization of the resources and labor of the United States" in order to "restore the climate for future generations."


On Tuesday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) announced the introduction of a resolution in both chambers of Congress to declare that the climate emergency facing the planet demands a "national, social, industrial, and economic mobilization of the resources and labor of the United States" in order to "restore the climate for future generations."

The resolution, cosponsored in the Senate by Sens. Merkley (D-Ore.), Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Booker (D-NJ), Gillibrand (D-NY), Warren (D-Mass.), and Harris (D-Calif.), and 19 members of the House, comes in the wake of President Trump's environmental speech yesterday, in which he avoided any mention of climate change.

The lawmakers note in the resolution that the "United States has a proud history of collaborative, constructive, massive-scale federal mobilizations of resources and labor in order to solve great challenges, such as the Interstate Highway System, the Apollo 11 Moon landing, Reconstruction, the New Deal, and World War II," and that the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has warned that the global community has little more than a decade to stop the worst impacts of climate change.

The lawmakers' bicameral recognition of the climate emergency stands in sharp contrast to President Trump's recent misuse of emergency declarations, manufactured in order to seize funds that Congress refused to appropriate to build a wall on the border with Mexico and to sell Saudi Arabia weapons that Congress had blocked. Climate change, an actual emergency, has been described by Trump as a "hoax."

"Today, as we face the global crisis of climate change, it is imperative that the United States lead the world in transforming our energy system away from fossil fuel to energy efficiency and sustainable energy. What we need now is Congressional leadership to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and tell them that their short term profits are not more important than the future of the planet. Climate change is a national emergency, and I am proud to be introducing this resolution with my House and Senate colleagues," Sanders said.

"To address the climate crisis, we must tell the truth about the nature of this threat," said Blumenauer. "Congressional Republicans have teetered on the brink of ignorance for far too long and now urgent, massive action is needed. This is an emergency. We must act now."

"Today we stand in solidarity with tens of millions of people from around the world in calling for a mass mobilization of our social and economic resources. It is time we began a swift transition away from fossil fuels and towards a sustainable renewable energy economy. Climate change represents not only our greatest threat but one of our greatest opportunities. Working to solve the climate crisis will create tens of millions of union jobs, empower communities, and improve the quality of life for people across the globe," said Ocasio-Cortez.

"The United States is facing a climate crisis. We must speak that truth, and then we must take bold action to confront the existential crisis before us," said Senator Harris. "In California and across the country, Americans are already seeing the impact of the climate crisis as unprecedented floods, wildfires, hurricanes, and extreme weather events devastate their communities. I'm proud to join my colleagues in this resolution that affirms that the policy of the United States Congress will be based on science fact, not science fiction."

The resolution is endorsed by 15 independent organizations.

"It's abundantly clear that climate change has arrived and that we are living in a climate crisis. It's past time that the federal government recognize this fact and declare a climate emergency. We need bold, comprehensive legislation to move us off fossil fuels and onto a clean energy revolution. This resolution lays out the scope of what we need to do. It's time to act for the future of our planet," said Mitch Jones, Climate & Energy Program Director of Food & Water Watch.

"It's heartening to see members of Congress taking up their authority and calling out the climate crisis as it happens. We are experiencing the effects of a global emergency, right now, in every part of our nation and it demands that we take immediate action that is equitable and to scale. Communities most impacted by this crisis have known for decades that our climate is changing and that it is affecting our health, safety, and the prospects of the next generation. We applaud Sen. Sanders and Reps. Blumenauer and Ocasio-Cortez for this step, and call on their colleagues in the House and Senate to support this resolution and show their commitment to just climate action today to give us a chance at tomorrow," said Tamara Toles O'Laughlin, North America Director of 350 Action.

"The climate crisis poses a threat unlike any other in history. If we fail to mobilize national resources very soon, with the utmost speed and unprecedented scale, we will face catastrophic harm in the coming decades and possibly existential threats to the nation and human civilization by the end of this century. There is nothing more deserving of the 'emergency' designation. Senator Sanders and Reps. Blumenauer and Ocasio-Cortez should be commended for their leadership in calling the climate crisis exactly what it is: a genuine national emergency," said David Arkush, Managing Director of Public Citizen's Climate Program.

"We're in a climate emergency fueled by a democracy emergency -- an out-of-control fossil fuel industry is hijacking our government, and it's time we acted like it and fought back. We the people demand that our government say 'no' to Big Oil and 'yes' to our futures. This resolution is a critical step toward a system that works for people, not polluters, and we thank Sen. Sanders and Reps. Blumenauer and Ocasio-Cortez for their bold leadership," said Stephen Kretzmann, Founder & Executive Director of Oil Change U.S.

"Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) applauds Senator Sanders, Representative Blumenauer and Representative Ocasio-Cortez who continue to demonstrate leadership in addressing the climate crisis with this resolution. Logic dictates that we must clearly name the crisis if we are serious about addressing it. The road to a truly just and regenerative economy begins with recognizing and naming the challenge that confronts us. This resolution is a necessary step on the path to doing just that," said Angela Adrar, Executive Director of Climate Justice Alliance.

Climate and ecological breakdown threatens to destroy human civilization and kill billions of innocent people through mass starvation, wars over declining resources, and in the worst case scenario, a runaway greenhouse effect. This historic national declaration of climate emergency formally acknowledges this unprecedented threat and demands the only sane response: A massive, federal government-led mobilization of all available resources to rapidly halt and reverse global warming through a managed phase out of coal, oil, and gas, a large-scale carbon sequestration effort, and other life-saving measures," said Ezra Silk, Co-Founder and Director of Strategy & Policy of The Climate Mobilization.

"We are absolutely in a climate emergency, and it's time all of our elected officials started acting like it. Acknowledging that climate change represents a monumental threat, as this resolution does, is a critical first step. What the American people need to survive this crisis is swift action from our government to end drilling, fracking, and mining for fossil fuels and to invest in a more just, inclusive economy built on renewable energy," said Janet Redman, Climate Campaign Director, Greenpeace USA.

"For decades our politics has been dominated by fear -- fear of fossil fuel corporations, fear of a just transition, and fear of each other. As our leaders have been crippled by fear, we're now left with only 11 years to rapidly transition off fossil fuels and toward green energy. It's time to declare a national emergency to stop the crisis and create millions of good-paying jobs in our communities," said Alexandra Rojas, executive director of Justice Democrats.

To read a summary of the resolution, click here.

To read the resolution, click here.

United States Senator for Vermont

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