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The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Ellen Sciales,

Democrats Unwilling to Abolish the Filibuster are Complicit in the Death of S. 1

In response to the U.S. Senate's rejection of the For the People Act, Ellen Sciales, Communications Director for Sunrise Movement, released the following statement:

"Votes like this are the reason so many Americans don't believe in government. And it's the reason that so many never will--because this vote solidifies that Black and brown Americans, young people, and working people will again be turned away in droves from their polling places in 2022, 2024 and beyond.


In response to the U.S. Senate's rejection of the For the People Act, Ellen Sciales, Communications Director for Sunrise Movement, released the following statement:

"Votes like this are the reason so many Americans don't believe in government. And it's the reason that so many never will--because this vote solidifies that Black and brown Americans, young people, and working people will again be turned away in droves from their polling places in 2022, 2024 and beyond.

"Democracy is dying. And with Democratic control of the White House and Congress, Democrats have the power to revive it. We need to be clear: any Democrat who voted against this legislation, and any Democratic lawmaker who still supports the filibuster, is complicit in the voter suppression that we know will happen next year."

"Democrats need to learn: voter suppression isn't just evil, it also jeopardizes their power. Republicans are only terrified of making the vote more accessible because they know suppression is how they maintain control. On this track, Democrats risk losing the majority and sacrificing every legislative priority for the sake of upholding ridiculous and racist bureaucratic rules. We'll remember that VP Harris was tasked to lead this and this is what her leadership looks like. She's not only jeopardizing our futures, but her own political future."

"The For the People Act is now another corpse in Schumer's legislative graveyard. But that doesn't have to be Schumer's legacy. Democrats must abolish the filibuster and pass democracy reform immediately. Biden and Harris must use their bully pulpit in full force. They must realize that voter suppression is just as existential a threat as climate change, because tackling one is inextricable with the other. Only once we can fully exercise our rights and meaningfully participate in the democratic process will our generation have a chance at a livable future."

Sunrise Movement has been a staunch advocate of passing the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, which they see as the only way Democrats can relinquish the corporate stranglehold on U.S. elections and put power back in the hands of the people.

Sunrise Movement is a movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.