The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

New Net Neutrality Bill

Statement from Evan Greer (she/her), director of Fight for the Future:

Statement from Evan Greer (she/her), director of Fight for the Future:
"The COVID-19 pandemic has made it more clear than ever that broadband Internet is a necessity, not a luxury. The FCC is supposed to ensure everyone has affordable access to broadband and prevent telecom companies from abusing their monopoly power or charging unfair fees. But because of the Trump administration's disastrous repeal of Title II protections, the agency is currently unable to do any of that. This bill would fix that by restoring the FCC's ability to protect the public. It will give the agency the authority it needs to restore net neutrality and address the digital divide.
This bill is incredibly important right now. Because the Senate has been so slow, we have no time to waste confirming Gigi Sohn to the FCC and restoring the agency's Title II authority. We also know that telecom giants and their friends in Congress are eager to take advantage of the situation and push for weak legislation that offers net neutrality in name only, while gutting the ability of the FCC to provide meaningful oversight. It's great to know that a true broadband justice champion like Senator Markey will be introducing a bill so that it will be clear what's *real* net neutrality and what's an industry backed fake."

Fight for the Future is a group of artists, engineers, activists, and technologists who have been behind the largest online protests in human history, channeling Internet outrage into political power to win public interest victories previously thought to be impossible. We fight for a future where technology liberates -- not oppresses -- us.

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