Linda McMahon and Trump.

Then-Administrator of the Small Business Administration Linda McMahon speaks as then-U.S. President Donald Trump listens during the inaugural meeting of the Presidents National Council for the American Worker in the Roosevelt Room of the White House on September 17, 2018 in Washington, D.C.

(Photo: Oliver Contreras - Pool/Getty Images)

Linda McMahon Is a Dangerous Extremist Hell-Bent on Cementing Autocracy in the US

Her associations with the Trump movement, both in terms of policy execution and fundraising, quite literally prove that she is the opposite of the "moderate" label some have tried to give her.

Linda McMahon has been, and seemingly will always be, one of former U.S. President Donald Trump’s closest allies. McMahon is the wife of WWE billionaire Vince McMahon (who has paid hush money to at least four women to quell allegations of sexual misconduct and infidelity), a failed Senate candidate, and a former Small Business Administration (SBA) chief under Trump. She has spent the last eight years staunchly in the corner of the former president turned 34-time convict. Recently, it was reported that McMahon will be leading the transition should Trump retake the White House in November.

Other than the obvious indication that Trump is continuing to reward loyalists (shocker), this also is another example of McMahon being deeply entrenched in Trump’s movement. After all, she:

  • Left the Trump Administration to immediately start a Trump Super PAC, which toward the end of the cycle raised almost $83 million, for the 2020 election;
  • Co-chaired a fundraiser that almost certainly helped pay Trump’s legal bills;
  • As of August 19, 2024, donated a total of $10,000,000 to the Trump Super PAC Make America Great Again Inc; and
  • Spoke uring the 2024 RNC.

Ludicrously, McMahon has been described as a moderate (even having Republican darlings Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) stumping for her in 2012). AFPI alone really calls into question that moderate title. The think tank has promoted, in congruence with Russel Vought’s Schedule F, “relocating” federal jobs out of Washington to places with lower costs of living… which we all know to understand to be an effort to replace skilled technocrats with new people hired for loyalty to MAGAism. Similarly, AFPI has pushed voter ID laws widely and properly understood to be barely cloaked efforts to suppress voter turnout from voters MAGA doesn’t like.

So, what to make of the claims that McMahon is a moderate? Her associations with the Trump movement, both in terms of policy execution and fundraising, quite literally prove the opposite: she’s a dangerous extremist vying to cement right-wing authoritarianism.