The funding has come from various governments' military budgets, heavily contracted out to industrial corporations, and, now increasingly, from the commercial pursuits of global corporations. The rate of knowledge production has been exponential as computers become faster and are programmed to become more self-reliant.
Seventy percent of the volume of stock trading in the U.S. is now driven by computers and their algorithms--a mere glimmer of the future pictured by Mr. Joy.
Sensitive futurists worry about both the intended and unintended consequences. Government militaries may intend autonomous weaponry for certain purposes, but the more dreaded unintended consequences arise when these weapons decide when and whom to strike.
Last month, astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and Elon Musk of Tesla Motors were some specialists who signed an open letter that called for a ban on autonomous weapons. The letter says, "If any major military power pushes ahead with artificial intelligence weapons, a global arms race is virtually inevitable," adding that "unlike nuclear weapons, they require no costly or hard-to-obtain raw materials, so they will become ubiquitous and cheap for all significant military powers to mass-produce."
Artificial intelligence (AI) or "thinking machines" are worrying far more of the serious scientists/technologists than those few who speak out publically.
In a BBC interview last December, Stephen Hawking, using a computer-generated voice, warned that "the development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race... It would take off on its own and re-design at an ever-increasing rate." Hawking, a big thinker, noted that "humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn't compete and would be superseded."
Self-restraint is not a characteristic of companies developing robotics for businesses that want to replace tens of millions of white-collar and blue-collar jobs. Look at the latest factories, refineries, and warehouses to illustrate what is coming fast. Even the work of lawyers is being automated.
But the warnings of people like Nassim Taleb, author of the runaway best-seller Black Swan, and Stuart Russell, a computer scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, co-author of the textbook on artificial intelligence, who writes about "risks that could lead to human extinction," need to reach wider audiences.
Complex systems can be very fragile in ways not foreseen until they happen! That is why Bill Joy saw all three of these technologies--nanotechnology, genetic engineering, and artificial intelligence--as interwoven systems expanding over the globe beyond human control.
In a recent interview (July 17, 2015) with Science magazine, Professor Russell was asked, "What do you see as a likely path from artificial intelligence (AI) to disaster?" He replied, " The routes could be varied and complex—corporations seeking a super-technological advantage, countries trying to build AI systems before their enemies, or a slow-boiled frog kind of evolution leading to dependence and enfeeblement, not unlike E.M. Forster's The Machine Stops."
He told Science he "is unaware of any large movement calling for regulation either inside or outside AI because we don't know how to write such regulation." Such, he noted, is the "bewildering variety of software."
In the meantime, Congress is oblivious to these grim scenarios. The Republicans in charge have no interest in holding educational public hearings because the corporations who own them have no such interest. Meanwhile, the myopic Democrats are too busy dialing for commercial campaign dollars to grease their campaigns to retake Congress in 2016.
Some of these Democrats know better. They championed the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), an arm of Congress established to research and advise members of Congress about such matters. When Congressman Newt Gingrich toppled the Democrats in 1994, one of his first acts was to defund and shut down OTA.
Congress has played ostrich ever since. The American people will surely pay the price unless a few, including leaders of the scientific community, organize and demand that Congress reinstate this technical warning system that OTA provided. With a tiny annual budget of $22 million, OTA saved far more in preventing boondoggles circulating on Capitol Hill.
None of this domestic inaction should preclude international efforts to expand the Geneva Conventions against chemical and biological warfare to cover these latest mass destruction weapons against humanity. This initiative would constitute an updated declaration of profound human rights.