The Breakup of the Pro-Life Movement

Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH)
is, in many ways, a typical pro-life American. He opposes abortion and,
because of that, supports every effort to prevent the need for it. Just
like most pro-life Americans, Ryan supports contraception -- primarily
because it is the most effective way to prevent unintended pregnancy,
and thereby abortion. And yet because of this, Ryan no longer qualifies
as "pro-life." He was recently banished from the board of a national
pro-life group he served on for four years. Ryan, in return, has turned
vocal. He's leading the call for common ground and pragmatism, and
rallying the no longer silent majority of pro-lifers who support
contraception. And he is provocatively trying to fight what he views as
an unrepresentative slice of pro-lifers, those who can't bring
themselves to support contraception. "The new fault line," says Ryan,
"is not between pro-life and pro-choice people. It's within the
pro-life community. The question now is: 'are you pro-life and
pro-contraception, therefore trying to reduce the need for abortions,
or are you pro-life and against contraception and you hope that
people's lives improve just by hoping it, wishing it so.'"2009-07-28-guttmacherslide.jpg

Ryan is committed to preventing abortion so much so that he, unlike
every other pro-life legislator in Congress, spent the last few years
working to identify the policies proven to reduce the need for
abortion. This work, which he undertook with The Third Way,
a center-left think tank, resulted in the "Preventing Unintended
Pregnancies, Reducing the Need for Abortion and Supporting Parents
Act." It's also called the Ryan-DeLauro bill, named for him and his
co-sponsor Rep. Rosa DeLauro
(D-CT.) As thanks for his outspoken leadership in trying to make
abortion less prevalent, Congressman Ryan was removed from the board of
Democrats for Life of America, and with it, disowned by the pro-life
movement at large. Pro-life publications have taken to qualifying his
pro-life status as "allegedly" pro life or referring to him as someone
"who claims to be" pro-life. Because of his support of prevention in
2007-2008 congressional session, Ryan received a "0" rating from
National Right to Life Committee. According to the pro-life
establishment's new standards, his support for prevention means he no
longer qualifies as "pro-life." And that means very few pro-life
Americans will either.

It may come as a shock to most pro-life Americans, but there's not
one pro-life group in the United States that supports contraception.
Rather, many lead campaigns against contraception. As Congressman Ryan
explained, "I think the pro-life groups are finding themselves further
and further removed from the mainstream; they're on the fringe of this
debate." Considering that the average woman spends 23 years of her life
trying not to get pregnant, the anti-contraception approach depends on
a scourge of sexless marriages or a lot of wishful thinking.

Ryan's legislation increases funding for contraception, expands
supports for poor women who wish to carry to term, backs comprehensive
sex ed programs that have been proven to work, and creates more
incentives for adoptive families. His bill is supported by many
prominent pro-life individuals including, Dr. Frank S. Page, Rev. Joel
Hunter, and Jim Wallis, and many pro-choice groups including Planned
Parenthood and NARAL. Not one leading pro-life group signed onto the

Lucky for Congressman Ryan, his support for contraception places him
in a good position with pro-life voters. He is a pioneer in this rich
common ground frontier. The vast majority
of pro-life Americans, 80%, support contraception. Even among
Catholics, followers of the only religion to oppose artificial
contraception, 90% support contraception. Of evangelicals, including
the most vehemently anti-abortion, the born-again, only 28% support
abortion rights, yet 88% support contraception. Indeed, among all
religious groups, support for contraception is off the charts:
94% of Baptists, 99% of Presbyterians, 95% of Methodists, 95% of
Lutherans, 97% of Jewish want greater access to contraception. And have
you ever seen a poll to report 100% support for anything? You can count
on the easy-going Episcopalians for that unanimous support for
contraception. (Support for puppies and goodness score lower.) Even a cozy majority,
70%, of Republican and Independent voters are strong supporters of
expanding access to contraception. What percentage of these voters
supports the pro-life establishment's agenda to restrict access to
contraception? 2%.

Pro-life Americans favor expanding access to contraception because
of the undeniable pro-life results. Unintended pregnancy is the root
cause of abortion. We know, when used properly, contraception works.
Two thirds of American women on contraception are using it correctly.
And from this group comes 5% of the nation's unintended pregnancies.
Compare this to the 16% of women who are sexually active, at risk of
getting pregnant and not using any form of contraception. That group,
though much smaller, represents 52% of nation's unintended pregnancies.
Then there's the 19% of women who are using contraception but
incorrectly or inconsistently; from that group comes 43% of unintended
pregnancies. The greatest opportunity to reduce the need for abortion
is to focus the 95% of unintended pregnancies that are highly
preventable. The plan is simple: address the lack of and incorrect use
of contraception. (Article continues below graphic.)

1. Gold RB et al., Next
Steps for America's Family Planning Program: Leveraging the Potential
of Medicaid and Title X in an Evolving Health Care System
, New York: Guttmacher Institute 2009, Figure 1.2.

To his credit, Congressman Ryan did his best to try to convince
pro-life groups of this. I spoke with Congressman Ryan last week after
his press conference to announce his bill. He explained, "It was really
frustrating to try to convince people that just didn't want to hear it.
I went to the Democrats for Life of America's national board meeting
that they had in DC a few years back and there were 50 board members or
so and I gave them my pitch: If you're really for reducing abortions
you've gotta be for contraception. I gave them all the statistics on
unintended pregnancy and that most abortions take place for women
within 200% of poverty and all this stuff and it just didn't resonate
with them at all and so we had this stark disagreement and I got the

The anti-contraception minority, which represents just 20% of
pro-lifers, has disproportionate influence and, with it, hopes to
derail common ground efforts
the public has longed for. It's time for the disagreement over
contraception to be addressed by the pro-life community at large. We
will have no chance of making a real impact on unintended pregnancy and
abortion rates without dramatic, informed strategies on prevention. The
pro-life public must demand accountability and representation for their
pro-contraception values. Considering that 80% of pro-life Americans
support contraception, isn't it time to establish at least one pro-life
organization in support of it too?

Congressman Ryan thought that would be a great idea. He predicted
such a group would expose those who really aren't interested in
reducing the need for abortion. "We have an opportunity here to solve
this problem and give pro-life members of Congress and pro-life
legislators a common sense approach to this and boy does it marginalize
those people who have really beat the drum on the pro-life issue and
have not provided any solution to it."

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