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Thank God Global Warming is a Hoax

I mean, right? You know? Because gosh Jesus in angry apocalyptic heaven, wouldn't it be just terrible if it were all true?

Wouldn't it be horrible if all this stunning, insanely mounting,
irrefutable evidence -- death, floods, fires, heat waves, the worst this
and the most violent that in 1,000 years -- were some sort of surefire,
cumulative sign that we have, if not directly caused, then wildly
accelerated and amplified the imminent implosion of this planet?

But we didn't! And we haven't! And we aren't! I mean, whew.

I am delighted to remember that hardcore science has lied,
misguided, misnomered and whatever else weird science does to confuse
the world about the real impact humanity has had on global ecosystems.
All those thousands of highly trained scientists educated at the finest
universities, learning the most difficult and fraught information of our
age, all in universal agreement that humankind's actions directly affect climate change,
and they are all totally full of it because they are clearly in cahoots
with Nazi Liberal Jesus, the solar panel manufacturers and the hippies
who want me to compost my KFC Double Down wrapper.

I am delighted to be reassured by the fringe right wing that the
piles of dead bodies, millions of lost homes, and even the very sun
itself are part of a vast conspiracy, a plot to form an evil one-world government,
a lefty liberal charade even in places that don't understand or care
what the hell a liberal is. See? Do you understand how powerful the lie?

Because otherwise, wow, what sort of hell is this? Pakistan,
Russia, China, Greenland, Niger and on and on it goes. Unprecedented
heat waves, scorched crops, giant icebergs, savage droughts, dire
emergencies, thousands dead here and 10,000 more over there and nothing
like these events in the history of the world, ever.

Even the U.N. secretary-general, Ban Ki-Moon, is in on it, coming
back from Pakistan stunned and shaken by the epic flooding he witnessed
there. "The magnitude of the problem; the world has never seen such a
disaster. It's much beyond anybody's imagination," he said,
putting out the urgent call for more international aid. I mean, sure
global warming is happening -- even some of the more ignorant climate
change deniers have had to reverse course on that -- but humanity had
nothing to do with it, OK? We don't need to change our behavior one
iota. If God wants another Ice Age or whatever, who are we to argue?

Heathen book-learners and their ridiculous studies, that's who!
Scientists are saying that all these severe weather patterns fit in
exactly with what they've been predicting all along. Not only that, but
they say it's increasingly likely that we've waited too long to change
our behaviors, cut emissions, reduce consumption and other such liberal
gibberish, and now it might be too late to do anything about it.
Increasingly extreme, violent weather will now be the norm, and the devastation, disease and death will only increase.

Good news! If I blink a few times while clicking the mouse, it
all goes away. Hey look, Lindsay Lohan's mom is all up in it! Snooki is
so wasted! All is as it should be. Thank you, Interweb.

But dammit, their godless eco-agenda just won't stop. 2010, they say, is not being very nice, is setting all sorts of unpleasant records.
Already, the most national extreme heat records in a single year (17).
Already, the hottest half-year on record in planetary history. Already,
the five warmest months in tropical Atlantic history, possibly resulting
in more hurricanes. Already, millions of people sensing, deep down,
that Something Is Very Wrong Indeed. Good thing their calmly intuitive
souls are full of crap.

I mean, please. Isn't it like this every year? Always with the
floods and fires. Always with the hurricanes, earthquakes and numbing
body counts. Is this year, this decade really that different? I'm sorry,
I can't hear you, I just turned up this Glenn Beck podcast. Here is
your big lesson: Do not listen to people who actually know things. Only
listen to people who react, negatively and whiningly, to people who
actually know things. It's the American way.

Have you seen the photos from the Gulf of Mexico, all shiny and
clear thanks to toxic chemical dispersants, the miracle of ocean
currents and armies of PR people who smell like hate? What happened to
all the oil? It's all gone, even though it's really not!
Absorbed into the planetary bloodstream like magic! Even the president
is there, splashing around in waters that, not a month ago, had hundreds
of million of gallons of crude oil and chemicals floating in it.

Just more proof that God's favorite creatures can cause no
lasting harm. We're innocent as pie. And guns. And Corexit 9500. I'm
dumping some used motor oil into this city sewer right now, in

I just read the flooding in Pakistan has already caused more
devastation than the 2004 tsunami in Asia, worse than the Haiti
earthquake. One quarter of the country is underwater. They say Pakistan
also just broke a record for the single highest temperature ever
recorded on the Asian continent, at 128 degrees
(16 other nations also met or broke heat records this year, too). That
record was set in a city. Where people live. But not for very much
longer, because they do not have giant air conditioners and pallets of
Fiji water from Costco like we do, so they probably won't survive.

Yes, it's tragic. It's unprecedented. It's never happened like
this before. Heck, even here in the eco-terrorist homeland of San
Francisco, they say the change in ocean temperatures will soon mean Fog
City will be entirely fog bound, edge to edge, nearly year round.
But I repeat: It's not our fault. Seven billion rapacious,
industrialized bipeds have the impact of a feather. All this destruction
and death? It's just God's will -- except for those places that don't
believe in a Christian God. Serves them right, doesn't it?

By the way, there's an obvious solution to many of these horrors -- to the Russian heat waves, the violent droughts in Niger,
the dead bodies floating in Pakistan, the floods in China: Do not go
there. Do not go to these terrible, hot, messy places. It's so easy!

I mean, so what if giant icebergs four times the size of
Manhattan are suddenly breaking off in Greenland? That's happening way,
way up there. I'm overconsuming energy and blocking out inconvenient
truths way, way down here. There is no cause/effect, no connection whatsoever,
never mind that dark, nagging sense of self-wrought doom, deep in my
bones. I know that's just a liberal lie, an implant, completely futile
-- just like those failed climate talks in Copenhagen, and the soon-to-be-failed ones coming up shortly in Mexico. I mean, whew.

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