Rise Up: Anti-Planned Parenthood Bill Just Hit the House

Republican leadership introduced a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would cut millions of patients off from care at Planned Parenthood health centers and gut the Affordable Care Act. (Image: Planned Parenthood Action)

Rise Up: Anti-Planned Parenthood Bill Just Hit the House

Planned Parenthood Action

A bill to prohibit patients from getting care at Planned Parenthood health centers just got introduced in the House. The time to rise up is NOW. Tell your representatives to stop this dangerous bill no matter what it takes.

The threat we've been warning about just happened: Republican leadership introduced a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would cut millions of patients off from care at Planned Parenthood health centers and gut the Affordable Care Act.

No matter how many times you've spoken out before, we need your voice now. We're going to flood members of Congress with a petition demanding they stop this dangerous bill. Add your name now.

This bill targets some of the most vulnerable people and communities in America by preventing them from getting care at Planned Parenthood health centers. Many patients with low incomes count on Planned Parenthood for quality, compassionate care they simply can't get anywhere else -- and leaders in Congress are hell-bent on cutting these patients off from that lifesaving care.

If this dangerous bill becomes law, as many as 2.5 million people will be cut off from essential care.

Add your name to this letter:

To every member of Congress:

These are the words you've heard thousands of times already, and it's time for you to listen: Don't attack care at Planned Parenthood.

Don't attack care at Planned Parenthood, because 2.5 million patients a year could be cut off from lifesaving care.

Don't block patients from coming to Planned Parenthood, because so many of your most vulnerable constituents have no place else to go for quality, compassionate care without judgment.

Don't attack Planned Parenthood, because if you do you are condemning thousands of Americans to untreated STDs, undiagnosed cancer, and limited access to birth control.

It's time to turn away from the blind ideology that has created relentless attacks on Planned Parenthood patients, doctors, nurses, and health centers. It's time to embrace the clear reality: Planned Parenthood health centers mean healthier families, more choices, and fewer unintended pregnancies. They play an essential, lifesaving, irreplaceable role in our communities and our country.

An attack on Planned Parenthood is an attack on me, and on my friends, family, and neighbors. It's an attack on immigrant communities, people of color, people with low incomes and LGBTQ folks. It's an attack on our health, our rights, and our lives -- an attack we will not forget or forgive.

I urge you to stop this legislation no matter what it takes. And I promise you that you'll keep hearing this as well, for as long as it takes: I stand with Planned Parenthood.

You better stand with them too.

Sign the Letter

You probably know just as well as I do that we aren't going to stop this bill in a day. Our opponents have shown just how determined they are to cut Planned Parenthood patients off from care, and they won't give in easily.

But the past few weeks have also proven that we are powerful when we stand together, and speaking out now is a critical first step. So: First, sign the letter.

Then, take the next step: Call your representatives and tell them to stand with Planned Parenthood.

And get ready for more to do. In the days and weeks to come, we will rely on your commitment and your courage. We won't win this fight in a day -- but if we're going to win, it has to start right here.