Humanity is experiencing times characterized by change, instability and above all, fear. It's experiencing a structural transition which, in the case of Latin America, is causing panic. Failing to understand that our society requires transformation, anachronistic forces currently governing us are engaged in desperate attempts to avoid the reforms our society demands thereby rendering it ever more fragile. In this regard, the apparent danger of a foreign military invasion of Venezuela would initiate an absurd war, impacting the entire region.
Most of the Colombian people, as victims of armed conflict for more than half a century, have no desire to open a new front of bellicosity, this time against a neighboring country, and oppose the current threats of armed confrontation. They are joined by politicians, intellectuals and social activists everywhere who have also raised their voices in opposition to the possibility of a war. While it is true that the United States-sponsored Lima Group and others support Juan Gerardo Guaido Marquez' aspirations in Venezuela, we Latin Americans are not by nature interventionists and the majority would not accept a war that ultimately primarily responds to United States, rather than Venezuelan interests.
"We must collectively oppose foreign intervention and invasion, not because we defend Mr. Maduro's government but rather, because we defend the right to free and popular self-determination."
The current drums of war are a result of the political inability to understand events in progress, i.e., the emergence of a multipolar world where diversity reigns and colonialism, as a political practice, is finally being overcome. Such a world, based on international law and state sovereignty, is one we must protect by responding to the bellicose discourse of politicians leading peoples immersed in fear with proposals for dialogue and peace. Leaders in democracies should be subordinate to the will of their communities and thus it is the People who must exercise the historic role of building a new society. Because of that, heeding the example of the Latin American continent, one that for many generations has been subjected to internecine wars, all of us must raise our collective voices opposing regional and continental war.
We must collectively oppose war; in that we have to be inflexible. We must collectively oppose foreign intervention and invasion, not because we defend Mr. Maduro's government but rather, because we defend the right to free and popular self-determination. In consequence, we are raising the banner of Peace, proposing coordinate anti-war marches both within the Americas and throughout the world. We believe that the only route to resolving the complex situation that prevails in Venezuela is through dialogue; dialogue from a perspective respectful of international law and human rights and prioritizing diplomacy as the means for restoring the serenity of the Venezuelan people. Only in such manner can tensions between political forces be reduced and the use of force avoided. In this regard we endorse the proposals by the Mexican and Uruguayan governments reflected in the Montevideo Mechanism whose goal is facilitation of a political agreement resolving the serious political, economic and social crises being experienced by Venezuela's institutions and call on progressives everywhere to help us to avoid the barbarity of war. Together, let us assist humanity to reject fear, war and hatred.
"Together, let us assist humanity to reject fear, war and hatred.We invite progressive forces everywhere to march for peace, multilateralism and dialogue."
We invite progressive forces everywhere to march for peace, multilateralism and dialogue. Let us not permit anachronistic leaders to push us towards a war that would destroy our beloved Latin America, a continent which, from the heights of the Andes, like the condor, has sought to move skies, rivers and mountains in quest of a home where peace and justice prevail.
Gustavo Petro
Bogota, February 13, 2019
The undersigned--both individuals, organizations, and political parties--hereby join in the call by Gustavo Petro and Colombia Humana to avoid armed conflict and foreign intervention in Venezuela through dialogue and diplomacy reflecting the free, collective will of the Venezuelan People and respect for international law and the sovereignty and equality of all States:
Angela Maria Robledo (Congresswoman, Republic of Colombia; Vice President, Colombia Humana)
Hilda Carrera (International civic activist, political consultant and advisor)
Guillermo Calvo Mahe (Academic, writer, political analyst and civic activist)
Coordinacion Socialista Latinoamericana (which includes):
- PRD Mexico
- PRD Panama
- Partido Socialista de Ecuador
- Partido Socialista de Peru
- Nuevo Peru
- Partido Socialista de Chile
- Partido Socialista de Uruguay
- MAS Bolivia
- Partido Revolucionario Febrerista de Paraguay
- Partido Socialista Brasileno
- Colombia Humana