The United States, President Donald Trump is now proclaiming, stands at "war." We are facing, in the novel coronavirus, "an invisible enemy" that could claim the lives of more Americans than every shooting war America has ever fought.
But that sort of terrible toll, public health people have been working so hard to remind us, doesn't have to be inevitable, not if we all sacrifice for the common good.
In 1942, in the months right after Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt faced the same basic challenge as we do today. To overcome the fascist forces aligned globally against us, FDR understood, the American people were going to have to sacrifice as never before.
That sacrifice, FDR also understood, would have to be shared. The war's burden, he believed, had to be "equitably distributed" to ensure that "a few do not gain from the sacrifices of the many."
"The great masses of our people," FDR adviser Randolph Paul would add, will sacrifice gladly "if they know that no group is being favored, that rich and poor alike are giving up the comforts of peacetime in order that we may more effectively prosecute the war."
Our rich today and the corporations they run don't seem, sadly, to be exactly rushing to give up any of their contemporary comforts. They're rushing instead to line up for bailouts. Airline executives are asking for over $50 billion in grants, deferred taxes, and loan guarantees. The cruise, hospitality, and gaming industries are clamoring for corona cash, too.
President Trump has been more than sympathetic.
"We're going to back the airlines 100 percent," he's opined in one typical comment. "It's not their fault."
That doesn't happen to be quite true. The airlines are reeling right now in no small part, notes Institute for Policy Studies analyst Sarah Anderson, because they've spent the past decade squandering their "free cash flow"--the money left over after operating expenses and capital expenditures--on share buybacks. A whopping 96 percent of the dollars the biggest U.S. airlines could have spent on strengthening their operations for the long haul has gone instead to buying back their own shares of stock, a move that serves only to pump up the rewards that go to top airline execs and shareholders.
U.S. corporations outside the airline industry, meanwhile, have been playing the same make-the-rich-richer games. Overall, S&P 500 companies have spent 50 percent of their available "cash flow" dollars on buybacks.
Corporate America's top execs would like to see all their lucrative games continue. They're seeking no-strings-attached federal bailout aid that helps them restore their comfortable pre-corona status quo. But progressive lawmakers on Capitol Hill, backed by the labor movement, are pushing back. They want bailout aid earmarked only for vulnerable workers, not the occupants of executive suites.
Franklin Roosevelt would most definitely approve this pushback thrust. FDR spent a good chunk of World War II fighting to keep top corporate executives from making a killing off the conflict.
In June 1942, for instance, Roosevelt's war procurement agencies sent 100,000 war contractors a pamphlet that warned against excessive executive compensation. Salary packages over $25,000, the federal contracting pamphlet indicated, could be "open to question and subject to limitation."