We are staring down authoritarianism as it barrels toward us like a freight train and I am telling you... in this game of chicken I ain't moving.
And I know not a single one of you is either.
"We are on the frontlines of democracy. This is not a drill and this fight is not over until we have a new president in the White House and Congress sworn in this January. Then and only then can a nomination for the Supreme Court be made."We stand and sit together for this giant experiment of democracy, for the rooted power of the people that will not be moved.
We are striving for a more perfect union; a country that works for all of us. A system of true checks and balances and when that system fails who is the final check on unchecked power? We, the people.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg held on to life and pushed herself for us--for our rights, for our liberties, and our democracy.
We are asking the same of you now.
Rachel Maddow once described Mainers as relentless. She wasn't wrong. But now we must also be ruthless.
It is our duty to fight like hell to ensure that Susan Collins does not cast another vote for a Supreme Court Justice.
It is our duty to act every single day until election day to get out the vote and ensure that we stop the rise of fascism in this country.
It is our duty to push ourselves as RBG did.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has committed to rushing a Supreme Court nomination process and Susan Collins has not said she will dissent. Collins has already shown us who she is as a leader with her votes to confirm Brett Kavanugh and Neil Gorsuch and her unwavering support for McConnell's cynical and destruction agenda.
We are on the frontlines of democracy. This is not a drill and this fight is not over until we have a new president in the White House and Congress sworn in this January. Then and only then can a nomination for the Supreme Court be made.
"My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed," RBG said to her granddaughter on her death bed.
Honor her wish.
Wait to replace.