RESIST DAY #34: What You Can Do Today

Resistance in your community, across the country, and around the globe

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

  • Voice Your Support for Water Protectors as They Face Forced Eviction from #NoDAPL Camp
    Government agencies have set a 2:00pm CST deadline for all remaining opponents of the Dakota Access Pipeline to leave the Sacred Stone Camp in North Dakota
  • Confront your member of Congress today
    With congressional lawmakers in their home districts this week, the following tools have been established so you can find the Town Hall or public event nearest you:

  • Mobilize to Protect Women's Health and Stand with Planned Parenthood
    Women and their allies are staging rallies and public events nationwide Wednesday--and throughout the week--to push back against the Trump/GOP attack on women's choice and women's health.
    Find an event near you today. (If there isn't an event scheduled in your community, you can register to host one here.)

  • Protect GOP Attack on Affordable Care Act in Your State
    Take today's "Daily Action" by telling your State Senator to pass legislation to preserve the Affordable Care Act's consumer protections within your State. Without the ACA, insurance companies go back to charging women more than men, denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions and setting annual and lifetime limits on coverage - unless your State bans these practices (and many others that the ACA prohibits at a federal level).

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