RESIST DAY #53: What You Can Do Today

Resistance in your community, across the country, and around the globe

Monday, March 13, 2017

  • Get your "Ides of Trump" postcard ready today
    With the Ides of March just two days away (Wednesday, March 15) people from around the country organizing to send the president a message the old-fashioned way: by postcard.
  • Defend the nation's healthcare system from Republican attack by joining the #ProtectOurCare fight
    As the nation awaits the CBO score on the House GOP's plan to destroy healthcare, the time is now to step up the pressure on your elected lawmaker to oppose this legislation
    • Call your representative using the district-specific Affordable Care Act numbers provided by Contacting Congress.
    • Stand with Planned Parenthood in their ongoing effort to defeat the repeal effort and protect women's rights here.
    • says we have 17 days to save healthcare--and that they have "a plan that could work." Listen to Sunday night's "Ready to Resist" plan here.

  • Demand your Representative call on the Dept. of Justice to release information about Trump's Conflicts of Interest
    Although Trump has business holdings around the world, he has been unwilling to divest himself of these holdings or report his conflicts of interest, raising the question of whether he is vulnerable to influence by foreign governments.
    • Call your member of Congress today. Indivisible is offering this script and action guide.
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