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In 'Bonkers' Fox & Friends Tirade, Trump Blatantly 'Threatens to Obstruct Justice'

Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington argued in a report published last year that Trump has already "likely obstructed justice." (Photo: Fox & Friends/Screengrab)

In 'Bonkers' Fox & Friends Tirade, Trump Blatantly 'Threatens to Obstruct Justice'

The president threatened that "at some point" he will no longer "stay away" from the Justice Department

"Did the president just say he plans on obstructing justice?"

That was how Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) responded on Thursday to President Donald Trump's threat during a "bonkers" and "careening" interview on "Fox & Friends" that "at some point [he] won't" stay away from the Justice Department's Russia probe, which is being conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

"You look at the corruption at the top of the FBI--it's a disgrace," Trump said. "And our Justice Department, which I try and stay away from, but at some point, I won't...There is no collusion with me and Russia, and everybody knows it."


Legal experts and commentators immediately reacted with alarm to Trump's rant, which was widely interpreted as a blatant threat to obstruct an ongoing investigation.

CREW argued in a report published last year that Trump has already "likely obstructed justice" by attempting to interfere with the FBI's investigation of Michael Flynn--his former national security adviser--and by demanding loyalty from former FBI director James Comey.

Earlier this month, the Washington Post reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has informed Trump's legal team that he is "preparing a report about the president's actions while in office and potential obstruction of justice."

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