The Progressive


A project of Common Dreams

For Immediate Release

Emily Peterson-Cassin,

Undoing Chevron is a Gift to Corporate Greed

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Relentless, Inc. v. Dep’t of Commerce and Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. That decision overturned Chevron, USA v. Natural Resources Defense Council, a decades-old precedent that allowed experts at public agencies to make reasonable decisions in service of the public good. As we continue to review the decision and assess its far-reaching implications, Emily Peterson-Cassin, Director of Corporate Power at Demand Progress, issued the following statement:

“The weight of human suffering likely to arise from this decision should keep the Justices up at night. The Supreme Court is threatening safeguards that protect hundreds of millions of people from unsafe products, bad medicines, dangerous chemicals, illegal scams, and more. By handing policy decisions usually deliberated over by experts to lower level judges, the Supreme Court has set off a seismic political shift that primarily serves only the most powerful corporate interests.

“We don’t have to stand for the damage this court has done. Congress should pass the Stop Corporate Capture Act, which would help restore these vital guardrails. Further, it’s time for Congress to consider reforms aimed at ensuring the Supreme Court is serving our Constitution, not corporate greed.”

Demand Progress amplifies the voice of the people -- and wields it to make government accountable and contest concentrated corporate power. Our mission is to protect the democratic character of the internet -- and wield it to contest concentrated corporate power and hold government accountable.